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    中国科学院“知识创新工程” 501材料实际生产的样品表征测量流程中。通过对
Silicon-On-Insulator (SQl), formed by the top Si layer, the buried SiQ2 layer and
     the bulk Si substrate, constitutes an interesting alternative to bulk Si for the
     fabrication of advanced electronic devices and integrated circuits (ICs). The
     technology of SQl is a powerful method for fabricating deep sub-micrometer
     Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Silicon devices (CMOS). The Circuits fabricated on
     these wafers present several advantages in relation to bulk Si technologies: low power,
     high density of integration, high radiation hardness and high switching speed of
     devices. These advantages are determined by the presence of the buried dielectric
     layer, which allows electrical isolation between the active region and the Si substrate,
     as well as between adjacent devices in the IC. There are more and more ICs based on
     SQl now.
     (100) n-type, 5?? cm silicon wafers were implanted with oxygen ions (16Q~),
     with enrgy from 140 to 160 KeV and dose from 4.5x 1O to l.4x10? cnf2. The
     temperatur of wafer during the implantation was maintained at 680 0C, The wafers
     were annealed at 1300 0C in an Ar ambient, mixed with 0.5% Oxygen for 5 hours.
     The structures of the top silicon and buried oxide layers are analyzed by
     Rutherford Back-scattering Spectrometry (RBS), Transmission Electron Microscope
     (TEM), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Infrared Reflection (IR). RBS was
     used to get the information about the atomic ratio of Si/O and the crystal perfection of
     the top silicon layer, the thickness of buried oxide and top layer. TEM was used to
     analyze the micros-structure of SIMOX, including the sharpness of the interface and
     the existence of Si-island in the buried oxide layer. AES was applied to get the
     information about atomic ration of Si/O in buried oxide layer. The model based on a
     multi-layer stack structure is set up. An optical characterization, based on the model,
     has been~developed by simulation of Infrared Reflection spectrum.
     The key parameters of SIMQX wafers such as thickness of top silicon layer and
     buried oxide layer and their uniformity are obtained by this non-destructive optical
     characterization method. Our results prove that this method is powerful and very
     useful in in-line characterization of SIMOX wafer production.
     The RBS is used to analyze the crystalline properties of the top silicon layer, the
     atomic ratio of Si/Q of the buried oxide later and thickness of the top silicon layer and
     buried oxide layer. The results show that the crystalline structure of top layer silicon is
     very good. Simulated random spectra reveal that atomic ratio of Si/Q in buried oxide
     layer is about 1 .82.0. The interface between top silicon layer and buried oxide layer
     is sharp.
     The microstructure is examined by JEM-4000EX. The results show that the
     buried oxide layers are continuous and contain silicon islands. The thickness of top
     silicon layer and buried oxide layer is accorded with the results of RBS.
     HRTEM is used to analyze the lattice structure of the top silicor layer and
     interface between top silicon layer and buried oxide layer. The HRTEM images reveal
     that lattice of the top silicon layer is perfect and the interface is sharp.
     The chemical state of silicon in the buried oxide layer has been studied by AES.
     Auger peak of Si in the buried oxide layer is at 86eV, which is different from that of
     pure Si at 92eV or that of Si in SiQ2 at 76eV. This result reveals that the oxide in the
     buried layer is not pure silicon dioxide. Combined with the results of TEM, it is found
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