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芒果炭疽病是世界性的芒果重要病害,其主要病原菌为胞炭疽菌(Colletotrchumgloeospordes Penz.)。该病在采前主要引起芒果落花落果、叶片坏死和枝枯等症状。由于具有潜伏的特性,田间侵染未成熟果实一般不表现症状,常导致采后果实在贮藏运输和销售过程中腐烂,严重影响芒果果实的产量和质量,被认为是芒果生产上的主要限制性生物因素之一。
The mango anthracnose disease,induced by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.,cause the leaf spot,yong fruits and flowers falling and shoot die-back.But its more characteristic symptom is fruits rot which usually occurs post harvest during the fruit storage and marketing due to latent infection.The disease has a bad effect on quality and production of mangos.
     Long-term since chemical control as the main method to control mango ant hracnose disease.but,the Coletotrichum gloeosporioides have a resistable effect o n common fungicide,unable to reach the control effect,on the other hand,with t he improvement of living standards,people paid more attention on food safety,S o use the elicitors inducing fruit and vegetable produce systemic acquired disea se resistance as the decelopment trend and research hotspot,as a long-term ands afe disease control methods.
     The experiment based on a variety of elicitors field screening,the change of the disease resistance related enzymes and the research of difference protein.Ob tain betteer effect of induced resistance inducer,and clarify the mechanism of in duced resistance, and probide the theoretical foundation for further research on the use of technology to control mango anthracnose disease resistance induced. The results as follows:
     1.We do three aspects for the following experiment,the determination of resi stance induced in field,induced systemic resistance and the application of the in ducer of mixed.The experimental results show that the tasted elicitors on anthra cnose of induced resistance, the100μg/ml Bion and COS can resistance induce d by41%、37%after treatment in48h,50μg/ml SA can resistance induced by22%after treatment in24h;the tasted inducer also showed resistance induction of systemic induced resistance,more than50%;Different proportions of elicitors mixed application shoued a certain antagonism,and with the passage of time in duced resistance decreased slowly.
     2. Disease resistance related enzymes of determination results shows:Treatme nt of200μg/mlBTH can increased the activity of disease resistance enzymes,su ch as the antivity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL),poly-phenoloxidase(PP O),peroxidase(POD),superoxide dismutase(SOD),and catalase(CAT).
     3.The results of total phenolic content determination shows:Different concentrations of BTH,Carbendazim,vaccination treatment on mango leaves and postharvest fruit,the experimental results shows that,the total phenol content of mango leaves in different treatment show significant differences in different time,and low concentration of BTH treatment have the highest total phenolic content.for mango peel,the total phenolic content also show significant difference in differenct time.Experimental results show the total phenols content can improve after inducer treatment.
     4. By two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysisis,we get16differences of proteins and11peptide mass fingerprint of protein spots in mango peel in this experiment.The detected differential protein spots for hea t shock protein, as resistance protein.The heat shock protein of NO.2,7,14with balanced active oxygen metabolism,involved in the resistance enzyme synthesis,t hereby improving disease r esistance,or even inhibit the disease
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