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     1.糖尿病大鼠模型的建立:雄性SD大鼠禁食12小时,以60mg/kg的剂量腹腔注射链脲菌素(streptozotocin, STZ)(溶于0.1 mol/L新鲜配制柠檬酸缓冲液中)。1周后检测空腹血糖,采用鼠尾采血方法,空腹血糖>300mg/dl者为造模成功。
     2.急性下肢缺血动物模型的建立选用符合糖尿病标准的SD雄性大鼠,术前常规禁食12小时,自由饮水,腹腔注射3%戊巴比妥进行麻醉,麻醉成功后在大鼠的右侧腹股沟韧带致膝关节间切一纵行切口,分离各层组织,暴露股动、静脉,分离股动脉,于近心端结扎,并切除下端及其分支。术后随机分为实验组和对照组(每组60只),实验组:术后即给予脉冲电磁场治疗(脉冲宽度4.5 ms、频率15 Hz、磁感应强度为12 Gs)。治疗时间为每天2小时,共28天。对照组除给予正常饮食外不给予任何处理。
     2.免疫组化染色结果显示:术后7、14、28天,实验组CD31的表达分别为430.2±18.15/mm~2,677.4±15.63/mm~2,837.2±25.60/mm~2;而对照组为357.8±26.64/mm~2,495.2±25.31/mm~2,619.4±19.24/ mm~2。实验组术后14、28天明显高于对照组(P<0.05),而术后7天两组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。实验组α-SMA的表达在7、14、28天分别为22.6±1.91/mm~2,35.8±2.08/mm~2和50.6±3.08/mm~2;对照组为18.2±1.07/mm~2,25.6±1.94/mm~2和32.4±1.72/mm~2,两组α-SMA的表达对比结果与CD31一致。
     3.免疫荧光染色可见:术后7、14、28天,实验组RECA-1表达分别为:96.4±4.00/mm~2,179.8±6.95/mm~2,253.0±8.67/mm~2;对照组为89.6±4.51/mm~2, 150.4±5.35/mm~2,184.6±6.09/mm~2;实验组在14、28天时明显高于对照组(P<0.05);而7天时两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     4.VEGF、FGF-2及其受体检测结果:实验组7、14、28天等不同时间点VEGF的ELISA检测值分别为38.6±6.27pg/ml,91.4±10.51pg/ml,59.8±6.48 pg/ml;对照组为40.4±5.83 pg/ml,80.4±10.88pg/ml,51.6±2.90 pg/ml;两组相比差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),Western blot的结果与ELISA一致。实验组FGF-2的ELISA检测值在各个时间段内分别为13.4±1.91pg/ml,28.4±3.67 pg/ml,47.4±6.80 pg/ml;对照组分别为:7.6±1.21pg/ml,11.8±1.53 pg/ml,10.8±2.17 pg/ml,在各个时间点实验组明显高于对照组(P<0.05),Western的结果与之一致。同时Western对VEGF受体VEGFR2检测,未发现差异有统计学意义(P>0.05),而对FGF-2受体FGFR1检测,我们发现,实验组在各个阶段明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。
     5.P-ERK1/2、T-ERK1/2、P-P38、T-P38检测结果通过Western blot方法检查,实验组P-ERK1/2与T-ERK1/2比值在各个时间段均高于对照组(P<0.05),而两组P-P38与T-P38比值无显著性差异(P >0.05)。
     Ischemic diseases, particularly in diabetics, result in significant morbidity and mortality and have a profound economic impact. To ischemic disease, therapeutic angiogenesis is the focus of current research.Stem and progenitor cell therapy, protein of promoting angiogenesis factor therapy and gene therapy were the main methods to improve neovascularization and function of ischemic tissue. These methods in ischemic diseases have certain effect, but they were expensive, technically, especially to our country of lack of medical resources,it is still very difficult for the general clinical promotion. Therefore, we need an effective treatment..
     It is well documented that electromagnetic fields play a role in the repair of human issues.Electrical stimulation by means of capacitive coupling, combined magnetic fields and pulsed electromagnetic fields has been used for over 30 years to augment healing. and subsequently demonstrated electromagnetic fields increase angiogenesis in animal experiments . Based on the above findings, we hypothesized that pulsed electromagnetic fields might be beneficial in diabetic limb ischemia . In this study, we discuss pulsed electromagnetic fields on lower limb ischemia in diabetic rats the impact of angiogenesis, and explore its mechanism.
     To observe the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on acute hindlimb ischemia diabetic rats in microcirculation angiogenesis. Establishing diabetic rats acute hindlimb ischemia model, the experimental group was given pulsed electromagnetic field treatment, analysis effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on hindlimb ischemia diabetic rat microcirculation angiogenesis, and explore its mechanism.
     Diabetes were induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin(60μg/g body with in 50 mmol/L citric acid buffer, pH 4.5) once to Sprague-Dawley rats. Then, 1 week later, blood was obtained periorbitally after 8 hours of fasting. Only rats with blood glucose values >300 mg/dl were kept in the protocol and randomized for experiment.
     Diabetic rats were anesthetized intraperitoneally with 3% pentobarbital. An incision was made along the inner right hind limb along the line of the femoral artery and vein. The proximal end of the femoral artery was tied with 4-0 silk suture .The femoral artery was dissected free from the limb and its peripheral branches. The distal end was severed, the artery was removed, and the skin was sutured closed. After surgery, rats were randomly divided into experimental group and control group(n=60).After operation, rats in experiment group were exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields for 2 hours every day while those in control group were not given any treatment. Laser-Doppler perfusion measurements was used to determine the blood flow of ischemia hindlimbs respectively on the day 0, 7, 14 and 28 after operation, and immunohistochemistry analysis of CD31 andα-SMA were used to evaluate the changes in angiogenesis,immunofluorescence to detect expression of RECA-1. ELISA and Western blot were analyzed for the protein levels of VEGF,VEGFR2,FGF-2,FGFR1, P-ERK1/2,ERK1/2, P-P38 and P38.
     The perfusion ratios were significantly higher in pulsed electromagnetic field-treated diabetic rats at day 14 and 28 compared with those in controls (0.64±0.02、0.85±0.021vs0.48±0.023、0.61±0.021,P<0.05)。CD31 density in tissues measured by immunohistochemistry significantly increased in pulsed electromagnetic field-treated groups on 14d and 28d(677.4±15.63/mm~2、837.2±25.60/mm~2vs495.2±25.31/mm~2、619.4±19.24/mm~2 , P<0.05 ) . Immunohistochemical analysis revealed significantly higher numbers ofα-SMA in animals exposed to PEMF at day 14 and 28(35.8±2.08/mm~2、50.6±3.08/mm~2vs 25.6±1.94/mm~2、32.4±1.72/mm~2,P<0.05), . Immunofluorescence analysis of RECA-1 density in tissues were significantly increased in pulsed electromagnetic field–treated groups at day 14 and 28 ( 179.8±6.95vs150.4±5.35/mm~2,253.0±8.67vs184.6±6.09/ mm~2,P<0.05).The levels of FGF-2 and FGFR1 in ischemic hindlimbs significantly increased in PEMF group at all time points and the same were p-ERK1/2 /total ERK1/2. No significant differences were observed in VEGF, VEGFR2 and p-p38/total p38 between the two groups.
     Pulsed electromagnetic fields can promote angiogenesis on acute hindlimb ischemia diabetic rat by up-regulation of FGF-2. As an indispensable signal pathway for FGF2-induced angiogenesis, MAPK/ERK1/2 is responsible for coupling FGFR1 to multiple downstream pathways to mediate blood vessel formation.
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