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近年来,随着互联网的快速发展,网络中蕴含了海量的信息,并且仍在以惊人的速度增长。一般来说,互联网中信息的主要发布形式为静态网页,每个静态网页都含有一定数量的静态超链接,指向其他的静态网页。传统的搜索引擎正是利用这些静态网页中的超链接来收集、索引和显示用户所感兴趣的网页和信息。然而,除此之外,互联网中还有很大一部分信息是以动态数据源的形式存在的。这些信息并不存在于静态网页中,而是存储在网站背后的在线数据库中,并且根据用户的关键词实时地、动态地生成网页来呈现给用户。由于缺乏足够的静态超链接指向这些动态网页,传统的搜索引擎很难发现和索引这些网页,因此这部分信息相对于用户是“隐藏”的。这些“隐藏”信息的集合被称为深度网络(即Deep Web,又名Invisible Web或Hidden Web)。与此相对应,那些静态网页集合被称为Surface Web。
     现在,Deep Web的信息量远远超过了Surface Web,尤其是Deep Web中的高质量数据,更是高达Surface Web的2000多倍。但是,有效而充分地利用DeepWeb中的高质量数据在目前仍然是一个巨大的挑战,其中最重要的问题就是Deep Web数据源的发现和Deep Web数据源的采集。一当前的关于Deep Web数据源的发现与采集的研究工作各有一些不足,比如,有些需要人工参与,有些依赖于特定的领域,所以它们都很难大规模应用。因此,本文围绕着Deep Web挖掘的研究,重点关注Deep Web数据源的发现和采集这两个问题,以方便用户利用Deep Web中的信息,进一步推动Deep Web的发展。本文通过仔细分析用户在Deep Web中特有的浏览行为,归纳出了用户在Deep Web中特有的浏览路径,并基于此浏览路径提出了全自动的、不依赖特定领域的、高效的Deep Web数据源发现和采集的方法,使得大规模的Deep Web挖掘成为可能。
     1.深入分析了网络用户在Deep Web中的浏览行为
     首先分析了用户在Surface Web和Deep Web中的浏览记录与浏览行为,并将它们转换为更为直观的图形表示(浏览图),然后仔细对比了它们的不同之处;再结合Deep Web中网页的功能与布局特点和链接规则,最后提出了用户在DeepWeb中的模型化的浏览路径:表单页面→列表页面→目标页面。这条浏览路径很好地描述了用户在Deep Web中的浏览行为的独特性。据我们所知,本文是第一次提出类似的概念。
     2.提出了一种高效的发现Deep Web数据源的方法
     基于用户在Deep Web中的独特的浏览路径,提出了一种高效的从浏览记录中发现Deep Web数据源的方法。该方法利用Deep Web中的链接特点,首先通过链接聚类把用户浏览过的表单页面、列表页面、目标页面聚类到一块,然后根据用户在浏览过程中的转移关系重建用户的浏览图;接着,该方法从建好的浏览图中检测浏览路径,来发现Deep Web数据源。由于该方法使用链接聚类取代了页面聚类,因此大大提高了Deep Web数据源发现的效率,而且也不依赖于特定的主题。此外,从用户浏览记录中寻找Deep Web数据源,进一步降低了代价,而且提高了发现Deep Web数据源的准确率和发现高质量Deep Web数据源的概率,降低了发现低质量Deep Web数据源的风险。
     3.提出了一种高效的采集Deep Web数据源的方法
     基于用户在Deep Web中的独特的浏览路径,提出了一种高效的采集DeepWeb数据源的方法。由于用户的浏览过程就是访问大量目标页面的过程,因此我们尝试模拟用户的浏览行为,沿着用户在Deep Web中的浏览路径来获取大量的目标页面。该方法从表单页面出发,首先收集一定数目的列表页面;然后,该方法利用DOM树对齐技术和目标链接的布局特点在列表页面上检测目标链接;之后,在列表页面和目标页面上,该方法利用翻页链接的特点来检测翻页链接。当收集到足够的链接后,该方法会学习这些链接的链接规则,并使用学到的这些链接规则去采集目标Deep Web数据源,以提高采集效率。
Recently with the rapid development of Internet, the World Wide Web contains tremendous valuable information, and the information is still growing with a fast speed. Generally, information in the Web is mainly published via static Web pages, and each static page contains a number of outgoing URLs pointing to other static pages. The traditional search engines just make use of these outgoing URLs to collect, index and show the pages and information. However, besides the static Web pages, a large proportion of information in the Web is stored in online Web databases. Such information does not exist in the static pages, but can be dynamically retrieved and displayed as dynamic Web pages to the users according to the queries provided by the users. Due to the lack of static URLs pointing to such dynamic pages, it is hard for the traditional search engines to discover them, and thus such information is "hidden" to users. Therefore, the collection of such "hidden" information is called Deep Web (also named as Invisible Web or Hidden Web). And correspondingly, the collection of static Web pages is called Surface Web.
     Now, the information in Deep Web is much more than Surface Web, especially for the high quality information in Deep Web, which is more than2000times of that in Surface Web. However, currently it is still a huge challenge to effectively and completely exploit the high quality infonnation in Deep Web, and the most important problems are Deep Web discovery and Deep Web crawling. There have been some research works on these two problems, but they are hard to be applied in large-scale applications. It is because that they have respective disadvantages, for example, some works need human interaction and some depend on specific topics. In this dissertation, around the problem of Deep Web mining, we mainly focus on the problems of Deep Web discovery and Deep Web crawling, in order to make it convenient for users to exploit Deep Web information and encourage the development of Deep Web. After carefully investigating the user browsing behavior and summarizing the specific user browsing path in Deep Web, we proposed automatic, topic independent and efficient methods for Deep Web discovery and Deep Web crawling respectively, which make it possible for Deep Web mining in large-scale applications.
     The main contents and contributions of this dissertation are as follows:
     1. Deeply investigated the user browsing behavior in Deep Web
     First deeply investigated the user browsing behavior in Deep Web and Surface Web, transformed it into a visualized graph (browsing map), and carefully compared the user browsing behavior in Deep Web and Surface Web. After that, based on the pages'function, layout and the URL rules in Deep Web, proposed a model user browsing path:Form Page→List Page→Object Page. This browse path well presents the specific characteristics of user browsing behavior in Deep Web. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a concept is proposed.
     2. Proposed an efficient method for Deep Web discovery
     Based on the specific user browsing path in Deep Web, proposed an efficient method to discover Deep Web sites from Browse Logs. This method first clusters the form pages, list pages and object pages through URL clustering, and rebuilds the browse map based on the jumps between pages. Then it tries to detect the specific user browsing path from the browse map. Next, if a user browsing path is detected and it satisfies some requirements, this site is considered as a Deep Web site. It is very efficient and also topic independent as it uses URL clustering instead of fetching the pages and clustering pages. In addition, discovering Deep Web sites from browse logs reduces the cost in further, and increases the precision of Deep Web discovery and the probability of discovering high quality Deep Web sites.
     3. Proposed an efficient method for Deep Web crawling
     Based on the specific user browsing path in Deep Web, proposed an efficient method to crawl Deep Web sites. Observing that the users visit a large number of object pages during their browsing, we try to simulate the user browsing to collect as many object pages as possible. Starting from the form page, the method first collects a number of list pages; then it makes use of HTML DOM tree alignment technique and the layout of object URLs to detect object URLs from the collected list pages; next, it takes advantage of the characteristics of page-flipping URLs to detect page-flipping URLs from both list pages and object pages. After collecting enough URLs, the method learns URL rules from the detected URLs, and uses the learnt URL rules to crawl the target Deep Web sites in order to increase the crawling efficiency.
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