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With the business philosophy of market orientation being truly accepted by entrepreneurs, However, many corporates still faced resistances especially the emotional conflict from employees while impletmenting market orientation, so some scholars pointed out that there was a need to provide a supportive and effective work environment to improve employees’emotional awareness. Although some scholars had done research about the relationship between organizational climate reflecting emplyees’emtional awareness and market orientation, there were few studys considering the effects of organizational climate quality reflecting employees’shared perception level and organizational climate strength reflecting employees’perception dispersion on market orientation at the same time. Therefore, it was necessary to further discuss and explore how employees’emtional feeling played a role during creating a market-oriented organization.
     In the above background, based on reviewing relevant literatures, this study determines the organizational climate quality as the direct influencing factor and organizational climate strength as the moderating variable, meanwhile, incorporates both change strategy and environmental uncertainty as moderating variables, in order to take full account of the influences of these factors including employees’emotional feeling in internal organization, organizational strategic management and the environment outside the organization during implementing market orientation. Finally the theoretical model is constructed.
     For the nature of the variables, this study collects datas of organizational climate, change strategy and environmental uncertainty from employees, marketing manager and general manager. After the datas are analysed we find that: Organizational climate is composed of standard, structure, warmth, responsibility, identity and reward these six dimensions; Organizational climate quality has a significant positive influence on market orientation; Organizational climate strength moderates the relationship between organizational climate quality and market orientation; Both change strategy and environmental uncertainty have no significant moderating influence.
     According to the main conclusion of this study, we put forward the following managerial implications: Corporates should take care of the employees’emotional feeling, make use of managerial method to improve organizational climate quality, reduce the cognitive differences between staffs in order to provide a good internal platform for market orientation implementation; Corporates should pay attention to the outside situation, adopt effective learning strategies to support the market orientation transformation.
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