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Diplomatic protection is an ancient and young system in International Law.It is ancientbecause of the later emergence in international law, and it is young because of thenew condification about it in the International Law Commission.
     The development of this system conformity with three trajectories:the first track isfrom the unwritten law to statute law development.Second track is the radiation fromthe procedural law to the substantice law.The third track is rising according fromtheory–practice-retheory-repractice,constantly forward to the end of protection. Fromthe mid-twentieth century, the international protection of human rights has developedin large range and promote the strength and scope of the protection of foreigners. Thisbrought a fundamental change in the Diplomatic Protection. But as a right of thecountry, the foundation of diplomatic protection has not essentially changed. In2006,the Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection codified and developed the mainregulations of the contemporary regime of diplomatic protection, which reflects thelong-term accumulation and confirm the results of the regime of DiplomaticProtection.It is also reflects the future trends and directions of the institution ofDiplomatic Protection, in general it is a balance result of compromise.
     This Article includes six chapters:
     The first chapter analyzes the concept and features of diplomatic protection as well asthe differences and relations between diplomatic protection and related concepts. Thedevelopment of diplomatic protection system is in conformity with a special volume ofinternational law. Through adjustment and self-improvement, it further established andpracticed the fundamental principle and criterion of international relation andinternational law. Every step of the development of diplomatic protection is deeplyrooted in contemporary realities of international relation and material conditions indifferent countries. Thus it reflects the features and limitations of different historicalperiod adjusted by international law. Diplomatic protection has entered into a new erawith its codification in2006, and it certainly will influence future international lawextensively and profoundly.
     The second chapter mainly focuses on diplomatic protection in traditional internationallaw. At that time the theoretical foundation to protect private rights is based on “Vatteltheory”, and it forms three traditional prerequisites in practice: nationality,internationally wrongful act and exhaustion of local remedies. Both amicable and forcible ways are allowed when conduct diplomatic protection in traditionalinternational law. In general, strong countries benefit more from traditionalinternational law when protect their interests overseas.
     The third chapter discusses the diplomatic protection system in the contemporary ageby analysis of Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection. It has a feature that complieswith the globalization era, the most distinguished of which is concerns andconsiderations of personal safety under administration and protection of a country. Thecodification will face great challenges considering the customary rules of over twohundred years. Some issues arose strong controversies during codification, such as thenature of diplomatic protection, three prerequisites, diplomatic protection ofcorporations, citizens with two or more nationalities, application of the principle of“clean hands” and compensations. The International Law Commission of UnitedNations codifies and develops international law. But both traditional and contemporaryinternational law has its own limitations that we should try to avoid and overcome.
     The fourth chapter discusses diplomatic protections in precedent cases. As customarylaw, the most difficult thing is to confirm and prove. At that point, internationalprecedent cases are crucial. Some custom rules are confirmed by cases decided byinternational court of justice and international arbitration court, and international courtof justice is discreet about the confirmation. Besides, some other acceptable ways arechosen by state parties to settle disputes, like mediation committee, compensationcommittee and special arbitration tribunals. Those ways of settlement providereference to other countries facing similar situations.
     The fifth chapter discusses diplomatic protection in domestic laws, which will be thehighlight and difficulties of this article. The procedure of diplomatic protectionoriginated in and depends on international mechanism, but to determine whether aclaim is lawful and whether it should be supported by international law it highly relieson domestic law system such as law of nationality, procedure law to provide localjudicial remedies and law of treatment of aliens. It also closely related with domesticjudicial system. The principle of “exhaustion of local remedies” will inspect thedomestic administration, judicial and even the whole organization system. Diplomaticprotection systems are relatively uncertain and conservative in different countries dueto its political sensibility, complexity in practice and dependence on measures taken byother countries.
     The sixth chapter introduces diplomatic protection in China. Diplomatic protection andconsular assistance are not strictly distinguished in China’s practice, and somediplomatic acts are usually included in consular assistance. Although diplomaticprotection in China has its own specialty, China participates in the codification of DraftArticles on Diplomatic Protection throughout and shows its own position on this issue.Along with the international integration, China has truly interacted with internationalcommunity, and has real state interests in diplomatic protection. To discover its ownway on diplomatic protection based on international law has been necessary for Chinato protect its overseas interests.
     In the final, this article draw a conclusion that the system of plomatic protectiondevelops along with the nineteenth century of the industrial revolution in Europe andLatin America's colonial independence movement, but until the mid-twentiethcentury,this development is still not fully mature. From the mid-twentieth century, theinternational protection of human rights in large part to further promote the strengthand scope of the protection of foreigners, it also brings some basic changes in thediplomatic protection. It is not changed for the system as a foundational right of a state.2006The Draft of Articles on Diplomatic Protection is a result of balance andcompromise.Diplomatic protection involves an extremely sensitive area of therelationship between two sovereign states, to protect its overseas citizens andforeigners in their territory, as the two sides of an issue, the two sovereign rights canget the support from the international law. Therefore, any deviation from the changesof the sensitive issues involved in the diplomatic protection will have a profoundimpact on the development of international law and its trend.
②Edwin Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of Citizen Abroad, New York,1915, p.3.
    ③The protection of British nationals detained abroad,A discussion paper concerning consular and diplomaticprotection. Redress, February2005, p3.
    ①See Case of the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions (Greece v. U.K.), P. I. C. J., Series A, No.2, judgment of30August1924, p.12.
    ③Barry E.Carter,Phillip R·Trimble,Allen S·Weiner,International Law(5thEdition), Wolters Kluwer,2007.
    ②Edwin Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of Citizen Abroad, The Banks Law Publishing Co.,New York,1915,p.3.
    ②A/CN.4/506(2000); A/CN.4/506/Add.1(2000); A/CN.4/514(2001); A/CN.4/523(2002); A/CN.4/523/Add.1(2002); A/CN.4/530(2002); A/CN.4/530(2003); A/CN.4/530/Add.1(2003);A/CN.4/538(2004);A/CN.4/546(2005); A/CN.4/567(2006).
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    ④1961Harvard Draft Convention on the International Responsibility of States for Injuries to
    ①Alain Pellet,“The Second Death of Euripide Mavrommatis? Notes on the International Law Commission's DraftArticles on Diplomatic Protection”, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, Vol.7,Issue1(2006),Page33-58.
    ⑤Edwin Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of Citizen Abroad, New York,1915, p.3.
    ⑥Edwin Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of Citizen Abroad, New York,1915, p.354.
    ⑤1959ICJ Reports37. See also the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case(1924),PCIJ Series A No.2.
    ①1949ICJ Reports174.
    ②the Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case(1924),PCIJ Series A No.2.the Panevezys-Saldutiskis RailwayCase(1939),PCIJ Series A/B,No.76,16. the Nottebohm Case,1955ICJ Report24.
    ③Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe,Diplomatic Protection,Oxford University Press,2008,p27.
    ④Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe,Diplomatic Protection,Oxford University Press,2008,p27.
    ②Edwin Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of Citizen Abroad, New York,1915, p.3.
    ③The protection of British nationals detained abroad,A discussion paper concerning consular and diplomaticprotection. Redress, February2005, p3.
    ④E.de Vattel,The law of Nation or the Principles of Natural Law Applied to the Conduce and to the Affairs ofNations and Sovereigns,vol.III(1758),chap.VI,p.136.转引自第64届联合国大会正式记录补编第10号,A/64/10,联合国国际法委员会《外交保护条款草案》第1条评注第3段。
    ③Barry E.Carter,Phillip R·Trimble,Allen S·Weiner,International Law(5thEdition),Wolters Kluwer,2007.
    ①Annemarieke Vermeer-Kunzli, As If: The Legal Fiction in Diplomatic Protection, The European Journal ofInternational Law Vol.18,No.1.P44.
    ①Annemarieke Vermeer-Künzli, The Protection of Individuals by means of Diplomatic Protection: DiplomaticProtection as a. Human Rights Instrument, Leiden2007(Dissertation), p.128.
    ③关于《国家责任条款草案》与《外交保护条款草案》内容上更具体的联系与区别,参见:The Commentarieson the Draft Articles, in Yearbook of the International Law Commission,2006, vol. II, Part Two.
    ④Annemarieke Kunzli, Exercising Diplomatic Protection—The Fine Line between Litigation,Demarches andConsular Assistance, ZaoRV66(2006),p326. http://www.zaoerv.de/.2011-12-13.
    ⑤Annemarieke Kunzli, Exercising Diplomatic Protection—The Fine Line between Litigation,Demarches andConsular Assistance, ZaoRV66(2006),p330. http://www.zaoerv.de/.2011-12-13.
    ④Carter,Trimble,Bradley:International Law,fourth edition,Apsen Publisher,2003,P743。
    ③John Dugard,The First Report on Diplomatic Protection,A/CN.4/506,2000,p4-5.
    ④Benoit Otis Brookens,Diplomatic Protection of Foreign Economic Interests: The Changing Structure ofInternational Law in the New International Economic Order,Journal of Interamerican Studies and WorldAffairs,Vol.20,No.1(Feb.1978),p40.
    ①DJ Harris:cases and materials on international law,Sweet@Maxwell,2004,p564,
    ③Commission of the European Communities,Green Paper: Diplomatic and Consular Protection of Union Citizensin Third Countries,Brussels,28.11.2006,COM(2006)712Final.
    ②Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p47.
    ②Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p49.
    ①Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p49.
    ①Sanuel Kaunda and Others v. The President of the Republic of South African, Separate Opinion of Judge Ngcobo,para.167.
    ③Annemarieke Vermeer-Künzli, Resticting Discretion: Jndicial Review of Diplomatic Protection, Nordic Journalof International Law, Vol.75. p.307.
    ③Annemarieke Vermeer-Künzli, The Protection of Individuals by means of Diplomatic Protection: DiplomaticProtection as a. Human Rights Instrument, Leiden2007(Dissertation), p.127.
    ②Benoit Otis Brookens,Diplomatic Protection of Foreign Economic Interests: The Changing Structure ofInternational Law in the New International Economic Order,Journal of Interamerican Studies and WorldAffairs,Vol.20,No.1(Feb.1978),p50.
    ①Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p8.
    ②Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p9.
    ③Dunn,the Protection of Nationals,1932,P46.
    ④Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p9.
    ①EmmerichVattel, The Law of Nations, or the principles of Natural Law,1758, book II, Chapter VI.
    ③Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p11.
    ④Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p12.
    ①Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p15.
    ①Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008, p15.
    ②Borchard,Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad,1915.
    ③Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p16。
    ④④Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p17。
    ①Chittharanjan F.merasinghe,Diplomatic Protection, Oxford University Press,2008,p18。
    ①Henry Campbell Black,Black Law Dictionary,Fifth edition,Weat Publishing Co.,1979,P923.
    ①Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala), http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?p1=3&p2=3.相关的定义可参见《欧洲国籍公约》第2条.转引自沃尔夫刚·格拉夫·魏智通主编:《国际法》,法律出版社,2002年版,第244页。
    ②Guy I.F.Leigh,Nationality and Diplomatic Protection,The International and Comparative LawQuarterly,Vol.20,No.3(jul.,1971),pp.453-455.
    ①Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala), http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.php?p1=3&p2=3.
    ②Annemarieke Kunzli, Exercising Diplomatic Protection—The Fine Line between Litigation,Demarches andConsular Assistance, ZaoRV66(2006),p340. http://www.zaoerv.de/.2011-12-13.
    ②J.L.Brierly,The Law of Nations,6thed.1963,p276-287,see Barry E.Carter,Phillip R.Trimble Allen S.Weiner,International Law,5nded.,P.755.
    ④Silvia D’Ascoli and Kathrin Maria Scherr,The Rule Exhaustion of Local Remedies in the International LawDoctrine and its Application in the Apecific Context of Human Rights Protection,EUI Working PaparsLaw,2007/02,p2.
    ③Annemarieke Vermeer-Kunzli, As If: The Legal Fiction in Diplomatic Protection, The European Journal ofInternational Law Vol.18,No.1.P52.
    ④C.F.Amerasinghe,Local Remedies in International Law,Cambridge: Grotius Publications Ltd.,1990,pp56-63.
    ①Edwin M.Borchard,Diplomatic Protection in Citizens Abroad,the Banks Law Publishing,Co.,1916,pp817-818.
    ②International Law Association,Diplomatic Protection of Persons and Property, Toronto Conference(2006),Finalreport.para.24-32.
    ①International Law Association,Diplomatic Protection of Persons and Property, Toronto Conference(2006),Finalreport.para.39.
    ③International Law Association,Diplomatic Protection of Persons and Property, Toronto Conference(2006),Finalreport.para.54.
    ①D.W.Boestt,The Use of Force in the Protection of Nationals,Transactions of the Grotius Society,Vol.43,Problemsof Public and Private International Law,Transactions for the Year1957(1957),p111.
    ③E.Root,The Basis of Protection to Citizens Residing Abroad,American Journal of InternationalLaw(1910),vol.4,p522.
    ②Annemarieke Vermeer-Kunzli, As If:The Legal Fiction in Diplomatic Protection, The European Journal ofInternational Law Vol.18no.1,2007. P49.
    ②James C. Hathaway, the Right of Refugees under International Law,Cambridge,2005,P80.
    ①Shaw, International Law, Peking University,2005, P722.
    ②Robert D.Sloane,Breaking the Genuine Link:The Contemporary International Legal Regulation ofNationality,Harvard International Law Review,Vol.50,No.1,Win.2009.p1.
    ①Robert D.Sloane,Breaking the Genuine Link:The Contemporary International Legal Regulation ofNationality,Harvard International Law Review,Vol.50,No.1,Win.2009.p4.
    ①Chittharanjan F.Amerasinghe, Diplomatic Protection,Oxford University Press,2008. P147.
    ③Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe,Diplomatic Protection,Oxford University Press,2008.p.282.
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    ③M.Whiteman,Digest of International Law,voL.8,WashingtonD.C.,USA Department ofState,1967,pp1273-1274.转引自A/61/10,《外交保护条款草案》第11条评注,第9段。
    ②K.Yannaca—Small,Interpretation of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Agreements,OECD,Working Paperson International Investment,Number2006/3,PP.5—6,7—8,22;C.Schemer,Traveling the BIT Route:Of Waiting Periods,Umbrella Clauses and Forks in the Road, Journal of World Investment&Trade,Vol.5,2004,PP.250—251.转引自:徐崇利:“‘保护伞条款’的适用范围之争与我国的对策”,《华东政法大学学报》,2008年第4期。
    ①Noble Ventures v.Romania,ICSID Award of12October2005.Para.48.
    ②B.Kunoy,Singing in the Rain:Development in the Interpretation of Umbrella Clause,The Journal of WorldInvestment&Trade.Vol.7.2006.p.275.
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    ⑤联合国国际法委员会有关外交保护的第六次报告,Sixth Report on Diplomatic Protection, UN. Int’l LComm’n,57thSess., U.N. Doc. A/CN.4/546(2004), para.2.
    ①Black’s law dictionary,17thedition,St.Paul,Minn,1999,p244.
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