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肠炎沙门氏菌(Salmonella enterica)是一种典型的革兰氏阴性致病菌。该菌主要引起畜禽的胃肠炎以及人类肠炎和食物中毒,严重威胁着人畜健康。肠炎沙门氏菌表达两个Ⅲ型分泌系统(type Ⅲ secretion systems,T3SS),由毒力岛1和毒力岛2(pathogenicity islands1and2, SPI-1and SPI-2)分别编码。细菌依赖T3SS将毒力蛋白运输至宿主细胞内发挥作用。通常认为,毒力岛1编码的毒力蛋白在细菌入侵的过程中起到作用,而毒力岛2编码的蛋白则负责促进细菌在细胞中的生存,复制以及免疫逃逸等的调节。目前已经鉴定出了30几个T3SS毒力蛋白,但是它们中的绝大多数其生理功能尚未知晓或了解很少。
     1.通过酵母双杂交技术严格系统地筛选20个T3SS毒力蛋白(SsPH2, Ssel、 SpiC、SseF、SseG、SlrP、SseJ、SopD2、SifB、SipC、SipB、SipA、SopD、SipD、 SptP、SopA、SopE2、SrfB、SrfA、SrfJ)与宿主细胞的相互作用蛋白,并最终得到了超过300对的阳性相互作用结果。我们对其中部分结果进行了免疫共沉淀验证并通过文献进行了初步的功能分类分析,并从蛋白质组学的角度构建了相互作用网络草图。这些蛋白功能分布广泛,涵盖了能量代谢、细胞骨架和细胞运动、物质运输以及细胞内多种信号通路的调节。结合文献,我们获得的大量数据为揭示细菌侵染细胞及之后的生物学功能和细菌对宿主细胞各种生物学通路系统的影响提供了理论基础和事实依据。
Salmonella entehca encodes two distinct type III secretion systems (T3SS) essential for virulence, encoded by genes located in the Salmonella pathogenicity islands1and2(SPI-1and SPI-2), respectively. These systems mediate the translocation of effectors into the eukaryotic host cell, where they alter cell signaling and manipulate host cell functions. However, the precise role of most effectors remains unknown. To better understand the molecular mechanism of Salmonella effectors interaction with host proteins, we made the following two approaches:
     1. Systematic yeast two-hybrid library screens for25Salmonella effectors (SsPH2^SseI、SpiC、seF、SseG、SlrP、SseJ、SopD2、SifB、SipC、ipB、SipA、SopD、 SipD、SptP、SopA、SopE2、SrfE、SrfA、SrfJ) were performed, partial of results were further confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation (Co-IP). This gave rise to321distinct protein-protein interactions. Together with literature-curated data, these results provide a comprehensive insight into the complexity of the host-bacteria protein interaction network involving in Salmonella invasion and introcellular replication, and a detailed pathway for these Salmonella effectors from gene to function is proposed.
     2. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified the LIM domain family protein LM04as a mammalian binding partner of the Salmonella effector SsPH2. The interaction was confirmed by GST pull-down and Co-IP assays. Using deletion mutants of both SsPH2and LMO4. we determined the LRR domain of SsPH2and the LIM domain of LM04were critical for the interaction. We further demonstrated that SsPH2was able to mediate ubiquitination of LM04both in vivo and in vitro, and this addition of poly-ubiquitin chains was neither lysine-48-linked nor lysine-63-linked. Furthermore,29lysine,67lysine located within the LIM domain were the major ubiquitination sites of LM04. We also discovered that stable expression of SsPH2in293T cells enhanced LM04protein expression, and this increase of protein level also depended on the SsPH2-mediated ubiquitination of LM04. Considering LM04acts as a scaffold for stabilization of the gpl30complex, which is a common receptor subunit of interleukin-6(IL-6), Hypothesis is that stable expression of SsPH2in293T cells reveals a positive regulation in IL-6signaling and results in a significant increase of transcriptional activity of Stat3(signal transducers and activators of transcription3). Identification of the ubiquitination substrates has been a major approach to understand the functions of ubiquitin ligases. Our findings assign a functional role to the Salmonella effector SsPH2as a binding partner and an E3ubiquitin ligase for mammalian LMO4. Through our project, we found some new clues which may facilitate future characterization of Salmonella effectors functions and functional mechanisms.
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