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As improving students' achievement performance, attaching importance to build up student's principal part character and facilitating students' psychological health and integrated personality have been the new concerns in the world of education and psychology of education.
    Cooperative learning, as a teaching theory and strategy system, having been broadly accepted and widely used all over the world. It is also the one of learning ways that advocated by the new curriculum reform of our country. Compared with the traditional class system, cooperative learning has an outstanding advantage in promoting the communications among students, developing their social skills and social emotions and improving teaching quality in a broad sense. The research is guided by cooperative learning theory, from a social-cognitive angle and focus the research on the comparison between the two experiment classes and two control classes on cognitive processes and performance in physical education classes. The research is composed of two parts: one and the first is investigation research on cooperative learning and cooperative social skills which comprised 269 subjects of first and second-grade of a junior high school, another and the second part is teaching experimental research on the effect of coope
    rative learning on students' cognitive processes and performance which comprised 187 subjects. After 16 times physical education teaching intervention, subjects were asked to complete Cognitive Processes Questionnaire of Physical Education, while their performance of learning was evaluated.
    The result Showed: 1. Cooperative learning can be absolutely practiced in physical education classes, it is
    a effective way to improve student's performance and social-cognition.
    2. The investigation's result shows that the cooperative skills mastered by high junior school students are not much.
    3. Good cooperative skill is the critical factor to launch an effective cooperative learning.
    4. The experimental classes students' cooperative skills are improved evidently after they were instructed social skills.
    5. The experimental classes students' cognitive processes are improved, especially on "attention-concentration"and "willingness to engage".
    6. There are some differences between boies and girls on cognitive processes. Boies' willingness to engage is better than girls and girls' attention-concentration is better than boies.
    7. The performances of either the two experimental classes or the two control classes students' are all improved, but the range of improvement is not the same. The performance of experimental classes is much more improved. There is no differences between boies and girls.
    8. The psychological atmosphere of experimental classes is better than the one of the control classes.
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