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In order to promote Hong Kong and Macau’s economic development,the central government implemented the free tour policy in July 2003.Mainland visitors replace Hong Kong visitors and become the largest visitors to Macau.On the base of study theory of tourists’satisfaction, with sample population of this study included visitors who ever take the journey in Macau,this study is aim to explore the Macau tourism’s attraction to Mainland people,the Mainland visitors’addictions,demands,and the satisfactions to Macau,Mainland visitors’opinions on Macau tourism development. Main research of the thesis is summarized in chapters:
     The first chapter is the introduction.First introduce the research background,research significance,research methodology and research framework and content.
     The second chapter is the theory summary.First review the domestic and foreign relevant theories with regard to tourist satisfaction,to determine the theoretic research direction and basic logic structure.
     The third and fourth chapter is the demonstration research.Under determining the theoretical research framework of the thesis and the method of statistical analysis,we distribute“the mainland tourists’s satisfaction investigating scroll”to mainland tourists to gather relative data,then mines the data explorsive factor analysis with mult-statistical technology to evaluate the tourists’satisfaction.
     The fifth chapter is the conclusion and the prospect.Summarize against the study findings of the thesis,and bring forward the prospects for future research.
     The innovation of this paper is mainly in tourist satisfaction measurement index system.According to model evaluation indicators established the Mainland tourist satisfaction measurement index system.Seven dimensions attributed 27 factors including the tourism environment,tourism support systems,travel service,tourist attraction,traditional features,travel to human consciousness,spending.In this study,tourist’s satisfaction theory and measurement techniques qpplied to the mainland tourist’s satisfaction.
     This study provides a suitable tool to measure mainland tourist’s satisfaction for Macau government and the managers of tourism enterprises.
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