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随着网络经济的发展和市场竞争的加剧,客户的角色和地位发生了巨大的变化,客户对企业产品或服务的态度和行为对企业的生存和发展起着越来越大的作用。企业必须从战略角度考虑如何构建和维持良好的客户关系以获取持续竞争优势。本文的主要目的是在揭示现有理论和实践误区的基础上,开发出客户价值驱动的客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)的理论框架,并对框架中的一些关键问题进行了研究。其主要研究内容如下:
     2.有效的客户价值探测是企业成功实施客户价值驱动的CRM战略的前提。从服务质量缺口模型发掘出研究客户价值的新视角,运用途径-结果链(Means-end chain)的分析方法构建了电子商务模式下的客户价值探测模型。然后,结合所构建模型研究了客户价值主张的量化和确立问题,提出运用市场商机算法(Opportunity algorithm)可以量化和确定客户价值维度中的关键要素:激励要素、保健要素和潜在要素,以有效指导企业的客户价值主张,并通过在江苏省一家服装企业的实际应用验证了方法的可行性和有效性。
     5.研究了客户价值驱动的CRM有效性评价问题。通过对CRM有效性进行评价,可以监测CRM战略的实施效果。由于CRM自身的复杂性,目前对CRM有效性评价的研究还很少,通过分析传统上用于评价CRM有效性工具的局限性,考虑到平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)的优点,构建了一个基于BSC的客户价值驱动的CRM有效性评价模型,该模型包含四个视角:客户知识、客户交互、客户价值、关系价值。通过对四个视角的作用分析,构造了四个视角的评价矩阵。在徐州工程机械集团营销公司的应用结果表明了模型的可行性和有效性。
With the development of network economics and the fury of the competition, thestatus and roles of customers have taken great place. The behavior and attitude to productsand services of customers are increasingly significant for enterprises' survival. It forcedenterprises to develop and maintain the relationship with customers at a strategy level togain sustainable competitive advantages. The paper aims at to develop an integratedframework for customer relationship management (CRM) driven by customer value on thebases of uncovering the current traps and problems in customer relationship managementresearches and practices. The main contents are as follows:
     1. Through analyzing the new characteristics of customer value under E-Commercepattern and the changes of customers' role, retrospecting the origins and divergentperspectives of customer relationship management, combining the theory of competitiveadvantage, the paper introduces the theory of customer relationship management driven bycustomer value, and proposes that CRM should be considered as a strategy driven bycustomer value, and effective CRM practices must be customer value oriented. Thedefinition of customer value is analyzed and the key dimensions of customer value areidentified, then the paper proposes the significance of strategy driven by customer value.Based on the selection criteria, a CRM strategy model driven by customer value is set up.Five key cross-functional CRM processes are identified: the customer value mining andidentifying process; the value creation process; the value delivery process; the CRMperformance assessment process and the customer knowledge management process. Thecharacteristics of the CRM strategy model driven by customer value mainly embodied twoaspects: the strategy driven by customer value and dynamic customer relationshipmanagement.
     2. The exploration of custome value is the precondition of implementing CRMstrategy driven by customer value. Based on the analysis of the service quality gaps model,it can be found a new perspective to study customer value, and we used the method ofempirical study to establish customer value network model through separating all the valueelements into means objectives and ends objectives. Then we developed a measurementmodel of customer value. It can be applied to quantify and determine value proposition andthe opportunity algorithm is proposed to determine the prompting elements (potentialelements) and maintenance elements of customer value. At last, we illustrate the model through the case study to testify its feasibility and validity.
     3. Customer identification and how to allocate the limited supply capacity based oncustomer performance for enterprises to implement CRM strategy are very significant. Wedesign a new index system about customer performance evaluation combining theelements obatained from customers' perspective. The index system supplies the gap of thetraditional method that only based on suppliers' perspective. Then, neural networks areselected as the evaluate method to gain customer priorities. Based on these, two decisionsupport models are developed to allocate the total marketing or service supply capacityamong customers as supply quotas. The approach is implemented in MarketingDepartment of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd to validate its feasibility.
     4. After identifying the key customers, it is very important to optimize the efforts tomanage the relationship. From the interactive perspective between customers andenterprises, relationship commitments as the essence of customer relationshipsustainability are analyzed, and we consider four main factors that drive the levels ofrelational commitments between enterprises and customers: the trust, the perceived valuedelivery, the opportunism and the relationship management efforts of the enterprises. Then,based on the theory of optimal control, the problem on the decision of customerrelationship management efforts is studied. A time-variant model on the policy of customerrelationship management efforts is set up and discussed. Then the optimal policy isobtained and it can be applied in the field of customer relationship management.
     5. Through evaluating the effectiveness of CRM, enterprise can find the effects ofimplementing CRM strategy driven by customer value. Because of CRM's complexity,little research has been conducted in evaluating the effectiveness of CRM. Considering themerits of BSC, we propose a customer-driven evaluation model for evaluating theeffectiveness of CRM based on balanced scorecard. The model involves four perspectives:customer knowledge, customer interactive, customer value and relationship value. Then,the metrics of CRM effectiveness are given. At last, the model is illustrated in MarketingDepartment of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd to validate its feasibilityand validity.
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