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We are trying to analyse Herder's philosophy of history from two basic questions: first, why do human possess historicality? Secondly, what's the aim of the human history as a whole?
     Herder's thinking on the first question is expressed in his thought on life and language. Herder's thought on life is his own ontology through which he wants to solve the epistemological and ontological problems of the age of Enlightenment, and whose main idea is the emphasis on the ontological 'interdependency' between human and world. This ontological'interdependency'makes people from different regions and times construct their selves and understand the worlds differently, which is called the historicality of human existence. In Herder's understanding, language, as results of human's encountering with his living world, has two significance:one is that language is the expression of human existence, only through language can human beings understand himself; the other is that language is the recognition of the world, through language the world is lighted. So corresponding to the historicality of human existence, language expresses the historicity of human's understanding about himself and world. The historicality of human existence and the historicity of human's understanding about himelf and world embody human's historicity.
     When trying to answer the second question Herder seeks the thought resources from Christian Theology.Based on the view that seeing the whole human history as the secret plan made by God, Herder develops his thinking on'humanity'.'Humanity ', not only as a kind of potential which human beings possess from birth but also as the ideal state which human beings are trying to attain, includes two functional concepts:reason and fairness. With'reason', God placed into human being's hands their own destinies, and human beings must figure out what their destinies are and what humanity is by using their own reason; but human's understanding about the law of God is based on trial and error due to the limit of human reason, so only through' fairness', could human beings correct their error continually, and find their way leading to the humanity on and on; with the functioning of'reason'and'fairness'as two principles, human beings are discovering and approaching humanity.
     In the last chapter we discuss herder's influence on German Romanticism concisely.
① Herder, Johann Gottfried,Metacritique:The Linguistic Assault on German Idealism, edited and translated by Jere Paul Surber, (New York:Humanity Books,2001.)
    ② Herder, Johann Gottfried,Philosophical Writings,translated and edited by Michael N. Forster,(Cambridge Cambridge University Press,2002.)
    ③ Herder, Johann Gottfried,Selected writings on aesthetics, translated and edited by Gregory Moore,Princeton, (N.J. Oxford:Princeton University Press,2006.)
    ④ Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf
    Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)
    ①论语言的起源》, 赫尔德 著, 姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999。
    ②《赫尔德美学文选》,赫尔德 著,张玉能 译,同济大学出版社,2007。
    ③《赫尔德》, 古留加 著, 侯鸿勋 译,上海人民出版社,1985。
    ④《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993。
    ①相关的内容请参看:威尔森:《赫尔德:民俗学与民族主义》,冯开文 译,载于《民族文学研究》,2008年3月。
    ②休谟 著,《人类理解研究》,关文运 译,商务印书馆,1981年,第76页。
    ③卡尔·贝克尔 著,《十八世纪哲学家的天城》,何兆武 译,三联书店,2001年,第66页。
    ①卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,见第五章第四节。
    ②中文转引自:《德国哲人视野中的历史》,李秋零 著,中国人民大学出版社,1994,第129页。
    ③黄进兴 著:《历史主义与历史理论》,陕西师范大学出版社,2002年9月,第4页及当页注释2。
    ④中文转引自:《德国哲人视野中的历史》,李秋零 著,中国人民大学出版社,1994,第129页。
    ①黄进兴 著:《历史主义与历史理论》,陕西师范大学出版社,2002年9月,第7页。
    ①卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,见第五章。
    ③卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,第187页。
    ④维塞尔:《莱辛思想再释——对启蒙运动内在问题的探讨》,贺志刚 译,林和生 审校,华夏出版社,2001,第二章。
    ②卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,第182页。
    ①卡岑巴赫:《赫尔德传》,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第4页。
    ② Lewis White Beck, Early German Philosophy:Kant and His Predecessors, (Cambridge (Mass.):The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1969.)p157."Pietism was the public re-emergence of a more or less continuous effort in Germany to achieve a simpler, less dogmatic, and more moralistic Christianity that that to be found in any of the established churches."
    ② Adler, Hans,A companion to the works ofJohann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p15. "For his part, however, Herder would incorporate the exercise of sound reason into his spiritual experience, thus avoiding the irrational extremes of pietism."
    ①中文转引自:卡岑巴赫:《赫尔德传》,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第22到23页。
    ①卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,第20页。
    ①笛卡尔 著,《谈谈方法》,王大庆 译,商务印书馆,2001年9月,第16页。
    ②笛卡尔 著,《谈谈方法》,王大庆 译,商务印书馆,2001年9月,第7页。
    ③笛卡尔 著,《谈谈方法》,王大庆 译,商务印书馆,2001年9月,第16页。
    ④笛卡尔 著,《谈谈方法》,王大庆 译,商务印书馆,2001年9月,第16页。
    ①关于笛卡尔方法论中的“分析”与“综合”,也可参见Leslie J. Beck, The Method of Descartes:A Study of the Regular, Oxford:Clarendon,1952, pp.155-71.
    ③ Jean Le Rond D'Alembert, Preliminary Discouse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot, trans. And intro. Richard N.Schwab (Indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill,1963),p.80."the arms which we use to combat him belong to him no less because we turn them against him."
    ①伏尔泰 著,《形而上学论》,伽利玛出版社,第172、173-174页。中文转引卡西尔的《启蒙哲学》第10页。卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月。
    ② Peter Gay, The Enlightenment:An Interpretation, vol.2 (New York:Norton,1977), p137."Newton was right, and hence the Enlightenment, basing itself on Newton's method as much as on Newton's discoveries, must be right as well-it was as simple as that."
    ②卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,第11页。
    ①这里我把原文中“世俗智慧”根据英文(英文所用的是“philosophy”一词)改译为“哲学”一词,我觉得这样更复合上下文的意思和康德的原意,一下有基础我也做了同样的处理。《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第277页。
    ② 参见 Robert E. Norton教授对康德分析法的评论:"Philosophy does not strive, therefore, for a quantitative or synthetic increase of human knowledge, but for the more precise understanding of the knowledge and concepts we by nature acquire through experience."Robert E. Norton,Herder's Aesthetics and the European Enlightenment,(Ithaca, N.Y.; London:Cornell University Press,1991.),p38同样的观点也可参见康德自己在这篇文章里的阐述:“对于给定的含糊不清的概念进行解析,使它们变得详尽和明确起来,这是哲学的事情。而数学的事情则是把量的各种给定的清晰可靠的概念联结起来并加以比较,以便看一看可以从中推论出什么。”(第278页),“在数学中,我在定义提供出我的对象的概念之前,还根本就没有这一概念。但在形而上学中,我有一个已经给定的概念,尽管它是含糊不清的,我应当寻找出关于对象的清晰的、详尽的、明确的概念。”(第285页)
    ③《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第277页。
    ④《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第287页。
    ⑤《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第13页。
    ①《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第91页。
    ②《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第78页。
    ③《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第80页。
    ⑤《康德著作全集》第二卷,康德 著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003,第80页。
    ⑥译文根据英文译出,参见:Robert E. Norton,Herder's Aesthetics and the European Enlight-enment,(Ithaca, N.Y.; London:Cornell University Press,1991.),p39."If Existence cannot be demonstrated-neither can the existence of God"德文可参见:Herder, Werke, vol.1(Frankfurta/M:Deutscher Klassiker Verlag,1985).W19.
    ⑦同上,英文参见p39,"It is well-known truth that once accidentally flowed from the beard of Aristotle and, ever since Locke raised it again, was parroted everywhere:that all of our concepts are sensate, and the empty tablet which our soul resembled at birth was repeated everywhere."德文参见W9-10。
    ①赫尔德:《论语言的起源》,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第6页。
    ② Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p124.
    ③赫尔德:《论语言的起源》,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第26页到第27页。
    ③ Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p125.
    ④赫尔德:《论语言的起源》,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第21页。
    ① Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p127.
    ① Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p124.
    ②赫尔德:《论语言的起源》,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第36页。
    ②孔迪亚克论语言起源的内容参见他的代表作《人类知识起源论》,中文版,洪洁求 洪丕柱 译,商务印书馆,1997年5月,第2卷,第1篇,第1章。
    ③赫尔德:《论语言的起源》,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第28页。
    ① Herder, Johann Gottfried, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, Werke, vol.6, ed. Martin Bollacher, p266.
    ② Marion Heinz, Sensualistischer Idealismus:Untersuchungen zur Erkenntnistheorie und Metaphysik des jungen Herders (1763-1778) (Hamburg:Meiner,1994). P135.
    ①费尔迪南·德·索绪尔 著:《普通语言学教程》,高明凯 译, 岑麒祥 叶蜚声 校注,商务印书馆,北京,1999年,第101-102页。
    ① German Idealism:Critical Concepts in Philosophy, edited by Klaus Brinkmann, (London and New York: Routledge,2007), volume Ⅳ, p175.
    ① Vicki Spencer, " Towards an Ontology of Holistic Individualism:Herder's theory of Identity, Culture and Community," History of European Ideas, vol.22(1996), pp245-260; p250. "Herder identifies two main factors which contribute to these variations:external environmental factors such as climate and geography, and internal circumstances including dispositions and attitudes arising from a community's collective experience and from relations between families and individuals within communities."
    ② F. M. Barnard, Herder's Social and Political Thought:From Enlightenment to Nationalism (Oxford:Clarendon press,1965),p57.
    ③ F. M. Barnard, Herder on Nationality, Humanity, and History (Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queen's University press,2003), p6.
    ④ Herder, Johann Gottfried, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, Werke, vol.6, ed. Martin Bollacher, p298.
    ① F. M. Barnard, Herder's Social and Political Thought:From Enlightenment to Nationalism (Oxford:Clarendon press,1965),p63."(i) that man could only fully realize himself as a member of a Volk, and (ii) that it was not man's lot to rule or obey".
    ① Brian J. Whitton:Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment:Cultural Community versus Cosmopolitan Rationalism, History and Theory, Vol.27, No.2 (May,1988), pp146-168.
    ① A.Gillies:Herder's Approach to the Philosophy of History, The Modern Language Review, Vol.35, No.2(Apr., 1940),pp193-206.p195.
    ①卡希尔 著,《启蒙哲学》,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007年4月,第215页。
    ①中文转引自:《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第32至33页。
    ②译文根据英文译出,英文参见:Beiser, Frederick C., The fate of reason:German philosophy from Kant to Fichte, (Cambridge, Mass.; London:Harvard University Press,1987.) p21."All appearances of nature are dreams, visions, puzzles, which have a hidden meaning, a secret significance. The books of nature and history are nothing more than ciphers, hidden signs, which require the key of Holy Scripture".德文参见:Hamann, Werke,Ⅲ,284.
    ④ Clark, Robert T, Herder:his life and thought,(Berkeley:University of California Press,1955.),第168到171页。
    ①《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第55页。
    ③中文转引自:《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993,第56页。
    ①《论语言的起源》, 赫尔德 著, 姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999,第21到22页。
    ①沃尔什 著:历史哲学导论,何兆武 张文杰 译,社会科学文献出版社,1991,第6页。
    ②转引自:《德国哲人视野中的历史》,李秋零 著,中国人民大学出版社,1994,第13页。
    ③“自然哲学”和“科学哲学”的类比也是沃尔什教授作出的,参见:沃尔什 著:历史哲学导论,何兆武 张文杰 译,社会科学文献出版社,1991,第7页。
    ⑤ Adler, Hans,A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p66.
    ① Herder, Johann Gottfried,Philosophical Writings,translated and edited by Michael N. Forster,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002.),导论第16页.
    ① Herder, Johann Gottfried,Philosophical Writings,translated and edited by Michael N. Forster,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002.),导论第17页.
    ③ Isaiah Berlin:"Herder and the Enlightenment," in Berlin, The Proper study of Mankind (New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux,1997), p364.
    ④ Wells, G. A.,Herder and after:a study in the development of sociology, (The Hague:Mouton,1959.)在此书中,well教授直接把赫尔德的基础理论部分叫作‘"Herder's anthropology"
    ② Adler, Hans,A companion to the works ofJohann Gottfried Herder,edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p77.
    ③根据英文译出,参见同上,第77页。"Nature, with the unending variety that is loves, seems to have formed all the living things of our earth according to a single master plasma of organization."德文参见:Herder, Johann Gottfried,Herders sa□mmtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Bernhard Suphan,(Berlin:Weidmann,1877-1913.), vol 13, p67.
    ④根据英文译出,参见同上,第77到78页。"That one organic principle of nature, which we now call forming, now driving, now sensitive, now artificially constructing…is fundamentally only one and the same organic force."德文参见:Herder, Johann Gottfried,Herders sa□mmtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Bernhard Suphan,(Berlin:Weidmann,1877-1913.), vol 13, p102.
    ⑤根据英文译出,参见同上,第78页。"Only one principle of life seems to reign in nature:this is the etherial or electrical current".德文参见 :Herder, Johann Gottfried,Herders sa□mmtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Bernhard Suphan,(Berlin:Weidmann,1877-1913.), vol 13, p77.
    ①根据英文译出,英文参见:Adler, Hans,A companion to the works ofJohann Gottfried Herder, edited by Hans Adler and Wulf Koepke,Rochester, (N.Y.:Camden House,2009.)p99. "Our earth is one of the middle planets."德文参见同上,vol13,p16.
    ②根据英文译出,英文参见同上,p99.‘"The human being is a middle creature among the earth's animals."德文参见同上,p65.
    ③根据英文译出,英文参见同上,p99"The current condition of human beings is probably that of the binding middle link between two worlds.'德文参见同上,p194.
    ①根据英文译出,英文参见同上,p100"It seems that everything was meant to be on earth that was possible tobe.”德文参见同上,vol 13,p148.
    ①根据英文译出,英文参见同上,p111.‘"If they went wrong or became mired halfway in an inherited tradition, they suffered the consequences of these errors and atoned for their own guilt."德文参见同上,p210.
    ②根据英文译出,英文参见同上,p112.‘"for whatever can happen, happens; whatever can have an effect, does so. But reason and fairness alone persist, since nonsense and foolishness devastate themselves and the earth."德文参见同上,p250.
    ① Herder, Johann Gottfried,Philosophical Writings,translated and edited by Michael N. Forster,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002.), pvii, "Hegel's philosophy turns out to be an elaborate systematic extension of Herderian ideas (especially concerning God, the mind, and history)".
    ① F. M. Barnard, Herder's Social and Political Thought:From Enlightenment to Nationalism (Oxford:Clarendon press,1965),p57.
    ①以赛亚·伯林:《浪漫主义的根源》,亨利·哈代 编,吕梁 等译,译林出版社,南京,2008年,第62到63页。
    1.《赫尔德传》,卡岑巴赫 著,任立 译,商务印书馆,1993。
    2.《赫尔德》,古留加 著,侯鸿勋 译,上海人民出版社,1985。
    3.《论语言的起源》,赫尔德 著,姚小平 译,商务印书馆,1999。
    4.《德国哲人视野中的历史》,李秋零 著,中国人民大学出版社,1994。
    5.《德国历史观》,格奥尔格 著,彭刚 译,凤凰出版传媒集团、译林出版社,2006。
    6.《启蒙哲学》,卡希尔 著,顾伟铭等 译,山东人民出版社,2007。
    7.《康德全集》第一卷,康德著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003。
    8.《康德全集》第二卷,康德著,李秋零 译,中国人民大学出版社,2003。
    9.《纯粹理性批判》,康德 著,邓晓芒 译,杨祖陶校,人民出版舍,2004。
    10.《谈谈方法》,笛卡尔 著,王大庆 译,商务印书馆,2001。
    11.《人类理解论》,洛克 著,关文运 译,商务印书馆,1983。
    12.《历史哲学导论》,沃尔什 著,何兆武 张文杰 译,社会科学文献出版社,1991。
    13.《人类知识起源论》,孔迪亚克 著,洪洁求 洪丕柱 译,商务印书馆,1997。
    14.《尼各马克伦理学》,亚里士多德 著,廖申白 译注,商务印书馆,2003。
    15.《伯林谈话录》,贾汉贝格鲁编 著,扬祯钦 译,译林出版社,2002。
    16.《反潮流:观念史论文集》,以赛亚·伯林 著,冯克利 译,译林出版社,2002。
    17.《浪漫主义的根源》,以赛亚·伯林 著,亨利·哈代 编,吕梁 等译,译林出版社,2008。
    18.《西方宗教文化》,赵林 著,武汉大学出版社,2005。
    19.《思辨的张力》,邓晓芒 著,商务印书馆,2008。
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    32. Frederich C.Beiser,The Fate of Reason:German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte, (Harvard University Press,1987).
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    35. Lewis White Beck, Early German Philosophy:Kant and His Predecessors, (Cambridge (Mass.):The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1969.)
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    37. James Gibson, Locke's Theory of Knowledge and Its Historical Relations, (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1917)
    38. John Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding,edited with an introduction by John W. Yolton,(London:Dent,1978)
    39. German Idealism:Critical Concepts in Philosophy, edited by Klaus Brinkmann, (London and New York:Routledge,2007), volume Ⅳ.
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    41. Isaac Newton, Opticks:Or a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections & Colours of Light (New York:Dover,1952)
    42. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, The philosophical works of Leibnitz,translated from the original Latin and French with notes by George Martin Duncan,(New Haven: Tuttle Moorhouse & Taylor,1890.)
    43. Robert T. Clark, "Herder, Cesarotti and Vico", Studies in Philology, Vol.44, No.4 (University of North Carolina Press Oct.,1947), pp.645-671.
    44. Israel Stamm, "herder and the aufklarung-a leibnizian context", Germanic Riview,38:3(1963:May)
    45. Vicki Spencer, "Towards an Ontology of Holistic Individualism:Herder's theory of Identity, Culture and Community", History of European Ideas, vol.22(1996), pp245-260.
    46. Brian J. Whitton, "Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment:Cultural Community versus Cosmopolitan Rationalism", History and Theory, Vol.27, No.2 (May, 1988),pp146-168. A. Gillies," Herder's Approach to the Philosophy of History", The Modern Language Review, Vol.35, No.2(Apr.,1940),pp193-206. B. Gillies,"Herder's Essay on Shakespeare:Das Herz der Unteruchung", Modern
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    47. Elias Palti, "The'Metaphor of Life':Herder's Philosophy of History and Uneven Developments in Late Eighteenth-Century Natural Sciences ", History and Theory, Vol.38, No.3 (Oct.,1999)
    48. Earl Nicholas Lewis," Herder's Theory of the Gifted Individual", The German Quarterly, vol.29 (May,1956)
    49. Roy Pascal, "The'Sturm und Drang'Movement",The Modern Language Review, Vol.47, No.2 (Apr.,1952), pp.145-151。
    1. Herder, Johann Gottfried,Herders sa□mmtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Bernhard Suphan,(Berlin:Weidmann,1877-1913.)
    2. Herder, Johann Gottfried, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, Werke, vol.6, ed. Martin Bollacher.
    3. Marion Heinz, Sensualistischer Idealismus:Untersuchungen zur Erkenntnistheorie und Metaphysik des jungen Herders (1763-1778) (Hamburg: Meiner,1994)
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