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本文认为默克尔政府对华政策的基本理念仍然是实用主义,“价值观外交”并没有成为默克尔政府对华政策的指导思想。“经济主导”仍是目前中德关系的主要特征,这一特征既是保证中德关系稳定发展的“锚”,同时也逐渐成为了两国产生冲突和利益纠纷的主因。默克尔政府对华政策最大的变化不在于其具体的政策实施方法和手段,而在于德国政治精英对德国政府长期奉行的“以商促变”(Wandel durch Handel)这一基本对华政策理念的怀疑,甚至试图要改变这一理念。本文首先回顾了德国统一以后对华政策的发展,然后从观念、政治、经济等方面分析了默克尔政府的对华政策,在此基础上,本文在结论部分对“哪些力量在决定着德国的外交政策?”这一问题进行了初步的回答。
It is the pragmatism that still dominates in the Merkel government’s China policy, not the values-based foreign policy.“Economics First”is the primary feature in the Chinese-German relations today, that can provide a anchor for the stability of the bilateral relations, but on the other hand becomes a trigger of the bilateral conflicts. The biggest change of the Merkel government’s China policy don’t lie in the approach of the German foreign policy ,but the German political elites begin to call in question the effectiveness of“Change Through Business”Policy ,which is always the basic idea of the German government’s traditional China policy for a long time ,and want to change this idea .This paper reviews first the development of the German government’s China Policy since the German unification in 1990 and then analyze the Merkel government’s China policy from the idealistic, political and economic perspectives .in the conclusion the paper tries to answer the question: what decide the German foreign policy ?
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