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Biodiesel is a high-quality, safe, environmental and renewable energy, produced from plant and animal oil reacted with short-chain alcohol under a certain condition by transesterification. Using Chlorella as one source of commercial biodiesel has a lot of advantages. During the production of biodiesel, the comprehensive development of high-value bioactives in Chlorella would reduce the cost and make the biodiesel industry have a good application prospect. Biological resources such as cassava rediues have a high yield and pollute the environment, it is necessary to deepen the application of these resources. In this paper, these biological residues such as sugarcane bagasse and cassava bagasse were hydrolyzated, meanwhile the oil-rich heterotrophic Chlorella was obtained using these hydrolysates as carbon sources, the systematic analysis of the enzymatic saccharification yields of these residues by diffenent methods and the effects of different hydrolysates on growth and fatty acids accumulation of Chlorella were investigated. The main results were as follows:
     1. Sugarcane bagasse and cassava bagasse were hydrolyzated for saccharification by different methods of preatment and hydrolysis, and the effects of different methods on enzymatic saccharification yield were analyzated. The results showed that the hydrolysis yield of sugarcane bagasse was improved significantly by NaClO2 and HCl preatment. The glucose and xylose concentration were 25.4 and 2.2g/L,however the total weight loss was only 19.3%. The glucose concentration and the productivity of glucose and reducing sugar were 15.1g/L, 0.63g/L/h and 1.13g/L/h respectively when the sugarcane bagasse was hydrolyzated in 7L bioreactor. The glucose concentration was achieved at 34.9g/L when the cassava bagasse was hydrolysated by cellulose directly. The hydrolysate containing 27.4g/L glucose and 34.8g/L reducing sugar was obtained in 5L bioreactor, meanwhile the reducing sugar concentration was increased to 43.9g/L after dilute acid preatment of cassava. The reducing sugar concentration was only 31.0g/L when the hydrolysate was achieved in 100L reactor.
     2. Effects of different carbon sources and nitrogen sources on cell growth and fatty acids accumulation was analyzated in batch cultivation of Chlorella using sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate as carbon source. The results showed that the carbon source concentration had a significant effect on cell growth, but the nitrogen source concentration had a significant effect on introcelluar fatty acids accumulation. The highest biomass(10.7g/L) and fatty acids yield(0.55g/L) were achieved when the glucose concentration in the medium was 15g/L, which were higher than that of the control. When the nitrogen was 0.1mmol/L,the highest fatty acids yield was 0.87g/L, which was a little lower compared to the control (1.2g/L).
     3. Cultivation of heterotrophic Chlorella was achieved in 5L bioreactor using cassava bagasse acid-hydrolysate, cassava bagasse hydrolysate and glucose as carbon source respectively and the systematic analysis of effects of different carbon sources on cell growth, neutral lipids and fatty acids accumulation was investigated. The results showed that the biomass was achieved at 7.2g/L after 144h in batch cultivation of Chlorella using cassava bagasse hydrolysate as carbon source. Compared with cassava bagasse acid-hydrolysate, the biomass was significantly increased. The fatty acids yield (2.5g/L) and neutral lipids content(48.6%DW) was significantly lower than that of control. However the ratio of fatty acids in neutral lipids (70.6%) was significantly higher than that of control. After 360h in fed-batch cultivation of heterotrophic Chlorella using cassava bagasse hydrolysate, the biomass, fatty acids content and yield were 9.7g/L, 38.9%DW and 3.7g/L respectively, meanwhile the biomass productivity and yield on total sugar were 26.9mg/L/h and 0.37g/g. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the compounds in these hydrolysates were studied by GC-MS. It was found that acetic acid, furfural and benzenecarboxylic acid were the main compounds. The acetic acid and benzenecarboxylic acid concentration in cassava bagasse hydrolysate were 78.1mg/L and 62.5mg/L, respectively. The results above had a great significance in the preparation of cassava bagasse hydrolysate and the cultivation of heterotrophic Chlorella using these hydrolysates as carbon sources.
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