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In this paper,we carefully researched on all kinds of performance of Perfluorosulfonated ion-exchanged resins(PFSR) before it was hydrolyzed. we used the melt casting technology to become membrane,to which fabricate the composite membrane accrondant to PFSR's characteristics.This process technology is based on PFSR's special rheology performance.
     Many kinds of perfluorosulfonyl fluoride resins with different IEC values were chosen to be candidates for preparing the perfluorosulfonate fluoride ion-exchange membrane(PFSIEM).Thermal stability,rheology of the PFSR and crystallinity of the PFSR were studied by means of TGA,MFI,capillarity rheometer,Hakke torque and XRD.Laboratory tests show that the static thermal stability of PFSRs are perfect under 380℃,but they decrease with rise of IEC values when persistent overheating.At a low rate of shear,melting temperature of PFSRs decreases with increases of IEC.Throught the rheology testing shows that PFSRs are shear thinned fluid and their appearent viscosity are sensitive to shear rate.Dynamic thermal stability of PFSRs are degrade distinctly under high shear rate,and tiny bubbles will appear when arrive at 240℃.their dynamic thermal stability increase with decrease of IEC values. XRD tests shows that PFSR is a kind of low crystalline polymer and the degree of crystallization is mainly influenced by IEC values and decrease with its increase.
     In alkaline condition,PFSR hydrolyse to become perfluorosulfunic acid resin and to generate ion-exchange group(-SO_3Na).Compared the tests of all kinds of hydrolytic resin's performance with un-hydrolytic,they shows that IR spectrum has made a great changes and its thermal stability,crystallinity,melt extrusion performance degrade greatly.But its tensile strenght grow obviously.
     The process technic was improved in the experiments.PEFSIEMs were fabricated by melt extrusion casting techonlogy on PFSR resins with different IEC values.Throught careful research of resin's feature,the processing equipment,the choice of flow casting mold and the processing technology of membranes were studied.
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