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玉米(Zea mays L.)是世界上重要的粮食兼饲料作物,产量居农作物之首,也是重要的遗传模式植物。我国是世界上仅次于美国的第二大玉米生产国,玉米生产在国民经济中占有非常重要的地位。因此,玉米的基础研究和遗传改良具有重大的理论和现实意义。
     本研究以玉米孤雌生殖诱导的DH群体(240个株系)为供试材料,构建了一张微卫星或简单序列重复(simple sequence repeats, SSR)标记连锁图。具体的研究结果如下:
     3.将130个多态性位点引物用Mapmaker/Exp3.0 (Lincoln等,1992)软件构建SSR连锁图谱,最终拟合到图谱上的位点共119个。将119个多态性位点分成10个连锁群,图谱总长度857.5 cM,平均间距8.15 cM。标记数最多的是第1号染色体,为20个标记位点;最少的是第6号染色体,为8个标记位点。该遗传图谱谱能有效地进行数量性状QTL定位研究。
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important crop and feed in the world, which ranks first in all crops production. It is also most tractable genetic system among the cereals.Maize yield in China is second following the United States, which plays an important role in national economy. Thus, maize basical research and genetic improvement have great theoretical and practical significance.
     Construction of genetic map is the important elements of gene mapping and it is the basis of gene mapping, cloning and genome structure and function; Construction of maize genetic map and looking for molecular marker which is tightly linked to the target trait are the basis of molecular marker-assisted selection breeding. It is particularly important for QTL. New technology on molecular marker technique makes high-precision construction of genetic maps possible. Many crops highly saturated molecular linkage maps built help the further and deeper study of quantitative traits on the molecular level.
     DH population of maize (240 DH lines) were researched. It constructed a microsatellite or simple sequence repeats (simple sequence repeats, SSR) marker linkage map. Specific results are as follows:
     1.730 pairs of published PCR primers for amplifying microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were used for the study.130 of them displayed polymorphism between the two parents. Chi-square test indicates that sixty-five markers (50% of all) skew from the expected gene segregation. Chromosomes 1,3, and 8 had outstanding performance.
     2. In order to improve the efficiency of Mapping Population of maize and to reduce the cost, high throughput measurement SSR electrophoresis technique was applied "Xian Yu 335" DH population. It process to multiple composite primers. This method was discussed in the maize targeted groups of SSR analysis.and provided a new way to improve the efficiency in maize molecular breeding.
     3.130 polymorphic loci are used to construct a genetic linkage map by the software Mapmaker/Exp3.0. Eventually a total of 119 sites which fit into the map were divided into 10 linkage groups. It covered a total length of 857.5cM with an average distance of 8.15cM between adjacent markers. The most one is Chromosomes 1 with 20 markers, and the least one is Chromosomes 6 with 8 markers. This mapping can be used to QTL research efficiently.
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