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     血管性痴呆(Vascular dementia,VD)是由于血管因素引起的记忆、视空间能力、性格改变及认知功能下降,是老年期痴呆的主要类型之一。脑缺血性病变尤其是多发性脑梗塞是VD的主要病理基础,VD可由于多发性脑梗塞、大面积脑梗塞、皮层下动脉硬化性脑病、特殊部位梗塞等基础病变所致,其中主要为脑动脉闭塞引起脑梗死,梗死脑组织容积超过80-150ml临床即可出现痴呆症状,以额叶、颞叶及边缘系统等部位血管源性病变更易导致痴呆。研究显示颈动脉狭窄造成的脑血流慢性失代偿或脑结构损害亦可引起认知功能障碍,对严重颈动脉狭窄患者行颈动脉内膜剥脱术后,其认知功能有所恢复。VD的发病机制一直在不断的探索中,老年期明显改变的内分泌水平对VD发病的影响引起越来越多的关注,有学者研究正常甲状腺功能的老年病人其认知功能变化与甲状腺激素水平的关系,发现血清低T_4水平者认知功能下降的可能性为相对高T_4水平者的双倍;老年甲状腺功能减退患者往往伴有认知功能障碍,用外源性甲状腺激素替代治疗后,其甲状腺功能及认知功能均得到改善,可以认为认知功能障碍的发生与甲状腺激素代谢紊乱存在一定联系。但目前国内外这方面的研究报道不多,研究结果也不一致。故本课题通过永久性结扎双侧颈总动脉建立大鼠血管性痴呆模型,研究VD模型大鼠脑垂体TSH、血清甲状腺激素变化特点及其与认知功能的关系,为系统性研究血管性痴呆大鼠认知功能改变与甲状腺激素系统变化的关系提供实验支持;同时在临床上对血管性痴呆(VD)、阿尔茨海默病(AD)、脑梗塞患者及对照组进行神经心理学量表的评估,并与血清、脑脊液甲状腺激素的相关性进行分析,以期为临床痴呆的防治提供新的思路。
     1.脑匀浆的制备:于实验终点大鼠断头取脑,除去表面脑膜及血管,用PB液冲洗,用滤纸吸干水分后,在冰盘上进行解剖,于蝶鞍上取垂体,冰浴下垂体置于玻璃匀浆器内,均加入1ml 1mol/L盐酸充分匀浆;
     2.室温下放置100分钟后,均加入0.8ml 1mol/NAOH溶液,4℃、4000r/min离心10分钟,取上清液立即行放免检测。
     五.统计方法:实验数据以均值±标准差表示,采用SPSS10.0统计软件中的随机方差分析(one-way ANOVA)进行统计学分析,进一步分析采用LSD法,检验水准α=0.05,比较各组之间相关测试指标差异。
     四.统计方法:实验数据以均值±标准差表示,采用SPSS10.0统计软件中的随机方差分析(ore-way ANOVA)进行统计学分析,进一步分析采用LSD法,检验水准α=0.05,比较各组之间相关测试指标差异。
     As one of the main type of senile dementia, Vascular dementia(VD) includingchanges of memory, character, spatial ability and cognition. Cerebral ischemiaespecially multi-cerebral infarction has been proved to be the main cause of vasculardementia only if the volume of ischemia more than 80-150ml, and patients withcerebral ischemia in frontal lobe、temporal lobe、limbic system has higher risk. Studyshows that cognition will be impaired in patients with carotid artery stenosis, and thesymptoms will be improved after Carotid Endoarterectomy.VD's pathogenesis needsto be further studied .Recently, the levels of hormones in the aged were focused. Onestudied the relationship between cognition and thyroid hormone in old patients withnormal thyroid gland function, result showed patients with lower T_4 concentration inserum had a twofold risk of cognition decline, cognitive impairment always can beseen in old patients with hypothyroidism, and it was improved after exogenousthyroid hormone treatment, therefore there might be a correlation between cognitiveimpairment and change of thyroid hormone metabolism. There has little study withdiscordant results in this aspect. In our study, a rat model of chronic cerebral ischemiawas established by permanently bilateral common carotid artery ligation.Cognition and concentrations of TSH in pituitary、thyroid hormones in serum were detected atthe end of experiment in order to further disclose the relationship between TH systemand cognitive dysfunction from chronic cerebral ischemia .On the other hand, scalesof neuropsychology were evaluated and concentrations of thyroid hormones inserum、CSF were measured in patients with VD,AD, cerebral infarction (CI)to givenew theory to the therapy of VD.
     Part one:experiment study of relationship between thyroid hormones andvascular dementia
     一.25 Sprague-Dawley(SD)male rats were random divided into three group:i.e.sham operation group(SO); the pure operation group(PO, permanently Bilateralcommon carotid artery ligation was performed for 5 weeks); TH treatment group(TT,the rat was feed with TH from the next day of the operation for 5 weeks).
     二.Morris Water Maze Test:place orientation, spatial probe was performed at theend of experiment.
     三.TSH in pituitary gland detected by using radioimmunoassay(RIA).
     1.Homogenate preparation: Rats were killed by decapitation. The brain wereremoved, rapidly dissected, washed in cold phosphate buffer, blotted. The pituitarygland were separated and homogenated in 1ml 1mol/L hydrochloric acid.
     2.After placed for 100 minutes, adding 0.8ml 1mol/L NaOH ,followingcentrifugation(4000r/min) at 4℃, collecting the supernatants.
     3.TSH concentration were detected by using RIA.
     四.T_3、T_4、TSH concentrations in serum detected by RIA.
     1.Collection of specimen: Blood of rats were collectioned by eyeballextirpation, following centrifugation, the supernatants were collected.
     2.T_3、T_4、TSH were detected by RIA according to the description of kit.
     五.One-way ANOVA was used to estimate the item differences among thegroups using SPSS10.0 for windows.Further analysis with LSD method.Size of test a=0.05.
     Part two:Clinical study of relationship between thyroid hormones and vasculardementia.
     1.Serum: Control group 30, CI group32, VD group 16, AD group 21;
     2.CSF. Control group 15, CI group 15, VD group 8, AD group 10;
     二. Scales of neuropsychology: Patients were evaluated by MMSE、CDT、ADL、HIS、CDR、CSDD.
     三. T_3、FT_3、T_4、FT_4、TSH concentrations in serum、CSF detected by RIA.
     1.Collection of specimen: Blood were drawed at 7am, placed at 4℃for 1 hour,following centrifugation (4000r/rain) for 15rain at 4℃. The supematants werecollected; CSF were collected by spinal puncture. All specimen were stored inrefrigerator at -70℃.
     2.T_3、FT_3、T_4、FT_4、TSH were detected by RIA according to the description ofkit.
     四.One-way ANOVA was used to estimate the item differences among thegroups using SPSS10.0 for windows. Further analysis with LSD method. Size of testa=0.05.
     Part one:Experiment study of relationship between thyroid hormones andvascular dementia.
     一.Praxiology study:
     1.Place orientation test: The latent period was12.44±9.95s in SO, 33.27±16.12sin PO, 16.37±9.94s in TT.The latent periods of PO were longer than that of the other groups(P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between SO and TT.
     2.Spatial probe test: The probe time was 54.87±7.60s in SO, 38.74±10.72s inPO, 44.43±5.86s in TT. The score of SO was better than that of PO、TT (p<0.05). Thescore of PO was the poorest among groups.
     二.Thyroid hormone
     1.Serum T_3 concentration:T_3 concentration of PO was lower than that of SO、TT(P<0.01).There was no difference between TT and SO(P<0.01).
     2.Concentration of serum T_4、TSH:There was no difference between SO、POand TT.
     3.TSH concentration in pituitary gland:There was no difference between SO、PO and TT.
     Part two:Clinical study of relationship between thyroid hormones and vasculardementia
     一.Scores of MMSE, ADL, CDT:
     1.MMSE: Scores of VD、AD were significant poorer than CI and controlgroup(P<0.01).There was no difference between CI and control group, so do VD andAD.
     2.ADL: Scores of VD、AD were significant poorer than CI and controlgroups(P<0.01).There was no difference between CI and control group, so do VD andAD.
     3.CDT: Scores of VD、AD were significant poorer than CI and controlgroups(P<0.01).Score of CI was poorer than control group. There was no differencebetween VD and AD.
     二.Concentrations of T_3、T_4、TSH、FT_3、FT_4 inserum:
     1.T_4、FT_4、TSH: There were no difference of T_4、FT_4、TSH concentrations inserum among groups;
     2.T_3、FT_3:T_3 concentration of VD、AD were significant lower than that ofcontrol group(P<0.01).T_3 concentration of CI was higher than that of VD(P<0.01)、AD (P<0.05).FT_3 concentration of control group was higher than those of VD、AD、CI groups (P<0.01). FT_3 concentration of CI group was also higher than VD、ADgroups (P<0.05).
     三.Thyroid hormones in CSF:
     1.T_3、TSH in CSF:T_3 concentration in CSF of VD、AD、CI were significantlower than that of control group(P<0.01).T_3 concentration of CI was higher thanthose of VD、AD(P<0.01).TSH: there was no difference among groups.
     2.T_4、FT_3、FT_4 in CSF:
     T_4:T_4 concentrations in CSF of VD、AD were lower than that of controlgroup(P<0.05).There were no difference among the other groups.
     FT_3、FT_4: FT_3、FT_4 concentrations of VD、AD、CI were all lower than thoseof control group(P<0.01).FT_3、FT_4 concentrations of CI were higher than those ofVD、AD groups(P<0.01).There were no difference between VD and AD group.
     四.Serum thyroid hormones of dementia in difference degree.
     T_3、FT_3、FT_4 concentrations in moderate vascular dementia patients weresignificant lower than those of mild ones(P<0.01). TSH concentration of moderatevascular dementia patients were higher than that of mild ones(P<0.01).
     一.Rat's cognitive function were totally damaged by permanently bilateralcommon carotid artery ligation. The 2VO rat can be concerned as a typical vasculardementia model.
     二."cerebral hypothyroidism"in 2VO rats was maybe one of the factors whichcan influence cognition. The changes of T_3、FT_3 concentrations in serum maybecorrelated with the thyroid hormone levels in brain.
     三.The cognitive function of rats with VD was improved by the TH treatmentfollowing the elevated level of thyroid hormone.
     四.Metabolism of thyroid hormones in VD patients were obviously changedwith the lower levels of T_3、FT_3 in serum, T_3、FT_3、FT_4 in CSE
     五.Diversity Change of thyroid hormones were correlated with dementia indifferent degree.The higher levels of TSH in serum, the more serious in dementiapatient.
     六.Dynamic observation of thyroid hormone concentrations in patients(especiallyCSF) with cerebral ischemia is benefit for dementia (especially vascular dementia)prevention and cure.
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