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Objective To characterize clinical patterns of expression, laboratory serologics, and lymphomatous histologics in patients with primary sj(o|¨)gren's syndrome(pSS) who subsequently developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(NHL).
     Metholds Searching in hospitalized patients database of our hospital admitted from October 1982 to October 2008. Identifying patients with pSS who developed NHL. A protocol form was used to record the main characteristics of pSS and NHL. Results Nine patients with pSS and NHL were included in the study. There were 8 (8/9, 89%) women and 1 (1/9, 11%) man (mean age 50.6 and 55.6 years at pSS and lymphoma diagnosis, respectively). Eight patients (8/9, 89%)fulfilled the American-European Consensus Criteria (AECC). The main SS manifestations were painless parotid enlargement (7/9, 78%), of whom six patients (6/9,67%) were unilateral; the main immunologic features were positive rheumatoid factor (RF) in all examined patients (7/7, 100%) with an average 14.4-fold (range 8.0-22.7) increased titre and hyperimmunoglobulinemia (7/9, 78%) with an average 69.4% (range 5.6%-215.6%) and 95.5% (range 52.2%-176.3%) and 221.8% (range 112.5%-331.0%) increased value of IgG (7/9, 78%) and IgA(3/9,33%) and IgM (2/9,22%) respectively; Five patients (5/9, 56%) had received glucocorticoids, of whom four patients (4/5,80%) had received at least one immunosuppressive drugs(methotrexate, glucosidorum tripterygll totorum, cyclophosphamide, and imuran). The main NHL manifestations were splenomegaly (7/9, 78%) and lymphadenopathy (5/9, 56%). The main histologic subtypes were mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma (4/9, 44%) and diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2/9, 22%). None of the patients with MALT lymphoma had a nodal primary location. Eight patients (8/9, 89%) had an extranodal primary location, most frequently in the salivary gland (4/9, 44%) and lung (4/9, 44%). Conclusion Patients with pSS and NHL are clinically characterized by a high frequency of painless unilateral parotid enlargement and splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, an immunologic pattern dominated by the presence of high-titre RF and hyperimmunoglobulinemia, a predominance of MALT lymphomas, and an elevated frequency of primary extranodal involvement.
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