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1. Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project
作者:Erich D Jarvis (1)
Siavash Mirarab (2)
Andre J Aberer (3)
Bo Li (4) (5) (6)
Peter Houde (7)
Cai Li (4) (6)
Simon Y W Ho (8)
Brant C Faircloth (10) (9)
Benoit Nabholz (11)
Jason T Howard (1)
Alexander Suh (12)
Claudia C Weber (12)
Rute R da Fonseca (6)
Alonzo Alfaro-N煤帽ez (6)
Nitish Narula (13) (7)
Liang Liu (14)
Dave Burt (15)
Hans Ellegren (12)
Scott V Edwards (16)
Alexandros Stamatakis (17) (3)
David P Mindell (18)
Joel Cracraft (19)
Edward L Braun (20)
Tandy Warnow (2)
Wang Jun (21) (22) (23) (24) (4)
M Thomas Pius Gilbert (25) (6)
Guojie Zhang (26) (4)
The Avian Phylogenomics Consortium

1. Department of Neurobiology
; Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center ; Durham ; NC ; 27710 ; USA
2. Department of Computer Science
; The University of Texas at Austin ; Austin ; TX ; 78712 ; USA
3. Scientific Computing Group
; Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies ; Heidelberg ; Germany
4. China National GeneBank
; BGI-Shenzhen ; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; China
5. College of Medicine and Forensics
; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710061 ; China
6. Centre for GeoGenetics
; Natural History Museum of Denmark ; University of Copenhagen ; 脴ster Voldgade 5-7 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
7. Department of Biology
; New Mexico State University ; Las Cruces ; NM ; 88003 ; USA
8. School of Biological Sciences
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; NSW ; 2006 ; Australia
10. Department of Biological Sciences
; Louisiana State University ; Baton Rouge ; LA ; 70803 ; USA
9. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
; University of California Los Angeles ; Los Angeles ; CA ; 90095 ; USA
11. CNRS UMR 5554
; Institut des Sciences de l鈥橢volution de Montpellier ; Universit茅 Montpellier II ; Montpellier ; France
12. Department of Evolutionary Biology
; Uppsala University ; SE-752 36 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
13. Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit
; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Onna-son ; Okinawa ; 904-0495 ; Japan
14. Department of Statistics and Institute of Bioinformatics
; University of Georgia ; Athens ; 30602 ; USA
15. Department of Genomics and Genetics
; The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies ; University of Edinburgh ; Easter Bush Campus ; Midlothian ; EH25 9RG ; UK
16. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; MA ; USA
17. Institute of Theoretical Informatics
; Department of Informatics ; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ; D- 76131 ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
18. Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
; University of California ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94158 ; USA
19. Department of Ornithology
; American Museum of Natural History ; New York ; NY ; 10024 ; USA
20. Department of Biology and Genetics Institute
; University of Florida ; Gainesville ; FL ; 32611 ; USA
21. Department of Biology
; University of Copenhagen ; Ole Maal酶es Vej 5 ; 2200 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
22. Princess Al Jawhara Center of Excellence in the Research of Hereditary Disorders
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; 21589 ; Saudi Arabia
23. Macau University of Science and Technology
; Avenida Wai long ; Taipa ; Macau ; 999078 ; China
24. Department of Medicine
; University of Hong Kong ; Hong Kong ; Hong Kong
25. Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory Department of Environment and Agriculture
; Curtin University ; Perth ; WA ; 6102 ; Australia
26. Centre for Social Evolution
; Department of Biology ; Universitetsparken 15 ; University of Copenhagen ; DK-2100 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
2. Conclusions of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment on the risks of neonicotinoids and fipronil to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
作者:J. P. van der Sluijs (1) (31)
V. Amaral-Rogers (2)
L. P. Belzunces (3)
M. F. I. J. Bijleveld van Lexmond (4)
J-M. Bonmatin (5)
M. Chagnon (6)
C. A. Downs (7)
L. Furlan (8)
D. W. Gibbons (9)
C. Giorio (10)
V. Girolami (11)
D. Goulson (12)
D. P. Kreutzweiser (13)
C. Krupke (14)
M. Liess (15)
E. Long (14)
M. McField (16)
P. Mineau (17)
E. A. D. Mitchell (18) (19)
C. A. Morrissey (20)
D. A. Noome (21) (22)
L. Pisa (1)
J. Settele (23) (24)
N. Simon-Delso (1) (25)
J. D. Stark (26)
A. Tapparo (27)
H. Van Dyck (28)
J. van Praagh (29)
P. R. Whitehorn (30)
M. Wiemers (23)

1. Department of Environmental Sciences
; Copernicus Institute ; Utrecht University ; Heidelberglaan 2 ; 3584 CS ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
31. Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities
; University of Bergen ; Postboks 7805 ; N-5020 ; Bergen ; Norway
2. Buglife
; Bug House ; Ham Lane ; Orton Waterville ; Peterborough ; PE2 5UU ; UK
; UR 406 Abeilles and Environnement ; Laboratoire de Toxicologie Environnementale ; Site Agroparc ; 84000 ; Avignon ; France
4. 46 Pertuis-du-Sault
; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
5. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
; Centre de Biophysique Mol茅culaire ; Rue Charles Sadron ; 45071 ; Orl茅ans Cedex 02 ; France
6. D茅partement des Sciences Biologiques
; Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脌 Montr茅al ; Case Postale 8888 ; Succursale Centre-Ville ; Montreal ; Qu茅bec ; Canada ; H3C 3P8
7. Haereticus Environmental Laboratory
; P.O. Box 92 ; Clifford ; VA ; 24533 ; USA
8. Veneto Agricoltura
; Legnaro ; PD ; Italy
9. RSPB Centre for Conservation Science
; RSPB ; The Lodge ; Sandy ; Bedfordshire ; SG19 2DL ; UK
10. Department of Chemistry
; University of Cambridge ; Lensfield Road ; CB2 1EW ; Cambridge ; UK
11. Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Padova ; Agripolis ; viale dell鈥橴niversit脿 16 ; 35020 ; Legnaro ; Padova ; Italy
12. School of Life Sciences
; University of Sussex ; Brighton ; BN1 9RH ; UK
13. Canadian Forest Service
; Natural Resources Canada ; 1219 Queen Street East ; Sault Ste Marie ; ON ; Canada ; P6A 2E5
14. Department of Entomology
; Purdue University ; West Lafayette ; IN ; 47907-2089 ; USA
15. Department of System Ecotoxicology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ ; 04318 ; Leipzig ; Germany
16. Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative
; Smithsonian Institution ; Belize City ; Belize
17. Pierre Mineau Consulting
; 124 Creekside Drive ; Salt Spring Island ; V8K 2E4 ; Canada
18. Laboratory of Soil Biology
; University of Neuchatel ; Rue Emile Argand 11 ; 2000 ; Neuchatel ; Switzerland
19. Jardin Botanique de Neuch芒tel
; Chemin du Perthuis-du-Sault 58 ; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
20. Department of Biology and School of Environment and Sustainability
; University of Saskatchewan ; 112 Science Place ; Saskatoon ; SK ; S7N 5E2 ; Canada
21. Task Force on Systemic Pesticides
; Pertuis-du-Sault ; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
22. Kijani
; Kasungu National Park ; Private Bag 151 ; Lilongwe ; Malawi
23. Department of Community Ecology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ ; Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4 ; 06120 ; Halle ; Germany
24. iDiv
; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research ; Halle-Jena-Leipzig ; Deutscher Platz 5e ; 04103 ; Leipzig ; Germany
25. Beekeeping Research and Information Centre (CARI)
; Place Croix du Sud 4 ; 1348 ; Louvain la Neuve ; Belgium
26. Puyallup Research and Extension Centre
; Washington State University ; Puyallup ; WA ; 98371 ; USA
27. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Padova ; via Marzolo 1 ; 35131 ; Padova ; Italy
28. Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Group
; Biodiversity Research Centre ; Universit茅 Catholique de Louvain (UCL) ; Croix du Sud 4-5 bte L7.07.04 ; 1348 ; Louvain-la-Neuve ; Belgium
29. Scientific Advisor
; Hassellstr. 23 ; 29223 ; Celle ; Germany
30. School of Natural Sciences
; University of Stirling ; Stirling ; FK9 4LA ; UK
刊名:Environmental Science and Pollution Research
3. Rapid Methods for Quality Assurance of Foods: the Next Decade with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based Food Monitoring
作者:D. De Medici (1)
T. Kuchta (2)
R. Knutsson (3)
A. Angelov (4)
B. Auricchio (1)
M. Barbanera (5)
C. Diaz-Amigo (6)
A. Fiore (1)
E. Kudirkiene (7)
A. Hohl (8)
D. Horvatek Tomic (9)
V. Gotcheva (4)
B. Popping (6)
E. Prukner-Radovcic (9)
S. Scaramaglia (5)
P. Siekel (2)
K. A. To (10)
M. Wagner (11)

1. Department of Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
; Istituto Superiore di Sanit脿 ; Viale Regina Elena 299 ; 00161 ; Rome ; Italy
2. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology
; Food Research Institute ; Priemyseln谩 4 ; P. O. Box 25 ; Bratislava ; 82475 26 ; Slovakia
3. Security Department
; SVA National Veterinary Institute ; 751 89 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
4. Department of Biotechnology
; University of Food Technologies ; 26 Maritza Blvd ; 4002 ; Plovdiv ; Bulgaria
5. Laboratorio Coop Italia
; 40033 ; Casalecchio di Reno ; Bologna ; Italy
6. Eurofins CTC GmbH
; Stenzelring 14b ; 21107 ; Hamburg ; Germany
7. Department of Food Safety and Quality
; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences ; Veterinary Academy Til啪臈s Str. 18 ; LT-47181 ; Kaunas ; Lithuania
8. Department of Food Science and Technology
; Institute of Food Science ; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences ; Muthgasse 18 ; Vienna ; Austria
9. Department of Poultry Diseases with Clinic
; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ; University of Zagreb ; Heinzelova 55 ; 10000 ; Zagreb ; Croatia
10. School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
; Hanoi University of Science and Technology ; No. 1 ; Dai Co Viet ; Hanoi ; Vietnam
11. Department for Farm Animals and Veterinary Public Health
; Institute for Milk Hygiene ; Milk Technology and Food Science ; University for Veterinary Medicine ; Veterin盲rplatz 1 ; 1210 ; Vienna ; Austria
刊名:Food Analytical Methods
6. Mitochondrial sequences reveal a clear separation between Angolan and South African giraffe along a cryptic rift valley
作者:Friederike Bock (1)
Julian Fennessy (2) (3)
Tobias Bidon (1)
Andy Tutchings (2)
Andri Marais (2)
Francois Deacon (2) (4)
Axel Janke (1) (5)

1. Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) 鈥?Ecological Genomics & Senckenberg Gesellschaft f眉r Naturforschung (SGN)
; Senckenberganlage 25 ; 60325 ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
2. Giraffe Conservation Foundation
; 26 Grasmere Road ; Purley ; Surrey ; CR8 1DU ; England
3. School of Biological Earth and Environmental Studies (BEES)
; University of New South Wales (UNSW) ; Sydney ; New South Wales ; 2052 ; Australia
4. Department Animal
; Wildlife & Grassland Science ; University of Free State ; Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences ; Bloemfontein ; South Africa
5. Goethe University Frankfurt
; Institute for Ecology ; Evolution & Diversity ; Biologicum ; Max-von-Laue-Stra脽e 13 ; 60439 ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
刊名:BMC Evolutionary Biology
9. Evaluation of blood and bone marrow in selected canine vector-borne diseases
作者:Anna S De Tommasi (1)
Domenico Otranto (1)
Tommaso Furlanello (2)
Silvia Tasca (2)
Cinzia Cantacessi (3)
Edward B Breitschwerdt (4)
Dorothee Stanneck (8)
Filipe Dantas-Torres (1) (5)
Gad Baneth (6)
Gioia Capelli (7)
Donato de Caprariis (1)

1. Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Bari ; Valenzano ; Bari ; Italy
2. Laboratorio d鈥橝nalisi Veterinarie 鈥淪an Marco鈥? Padova
; Italy
3. Department of Veterinary Medicine
; University of Cambridge ; Cambridge ; UK
4. Department of Clinical Sciences
; Intracellular Pathogens Research Laboratory ; Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research ; College of Veterinary Medicine ; North Carolina State University ; 1060 William Moore Drive ; Raleigh ; NC ; 27607 ; USA
8. Bayer Animal Health GmbH
; Leverkusen ; Germany
5. Department of Immunology
; Aggeu Magal茫hes Research Institute ; Oswaldo Cruz Foundation ; Recife ; Pernambuco ; Brazil
6. School of Veterinary Medicine
; Hebrew University ; Rehovot ; Israel
7. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
; Laboratory of Parasitology ; Legnaro ; Italy
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
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