在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:10条,耗时:0.0529745 秒


1. The outer disks of Herbig stars from the UV to NIR
作者:C. Grady (1)
M. Fukagawa (2)
Y. Maruta (2)
Y. Ohta (2)
J. Wisniewski (3)
J. Hashimoto (3)
Y. Okamoto (4)
M. Momose (4)
T. Currie (14) (5)
M. McElwain (6)
T. Muto (7)
T. Kotani (8)
N. Kusakabe (8)
M. Feldt (10)
M. Sitko (11)
K. Follette (9)
M. Bonnefoy (10)
T. Henning (10)
M. Takami (12)
J. Karr (12)
J. Kwon (15)
T. Kudo (8)
L. Abe (16)
W. Brandner (10)
T. Brandt (17)
J. Carson (18)
S. Egner (14)
M. Goto (19)
O. Guyon (14)
Y. Hayano (14)
M. Hayashi (8)
S. Hayashi (14)
K. Hodapp (20)
M. Ishii (8)
M. Iye (8)
M. Janson (30)
R. Kandori (14)
G. Knapp (13)
M. Kuzuhara (21)
T. Matsuo (22)
S. Miyama (23)
J.-I. Morino (8)
A. Moro-Mart铆n (24)
T. Nishimura (14)
T.-S. Pyo (14)
E. Serabyn (25)
T. Suenaga (26) (8)
H. Suto (8)
R. Suzuki (8)
Y. H. Takahashi (15) (8)
N. Takato (14)
H. Terada (14)
C. Thalmann (27)
D. Tomono (14)
E. L. Turner (13)
M. Watanabe (28)
T. Yamada (29)
H. Takami (8)
T. Usuda (8)
M. Tamura (15) (8)

1. Eureka Scientific and Goddard Space Flight Center
; Code 667 ; Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
2. Graduate School of Science
; Osaka University ; 1-1 Machikaneyama ; Toyonaka ; Osaka ; 560-004 ; Japan
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; The University of Oklahoma ; 440 W. Brooks St. ; Norman ; OK ; 73019 ; USA
4. College of Science
; Ibaraki University ; 2-1-1 Bunkyo ; Mito ; Ibaraki ; 310-8512 ; Japan
14. Subaru Telescope
; 650 N Aohoku Pl ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
5. Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; University of Toronto ; 50 St. George Street ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
6. Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
; Code 667 ; NASA鈥檚 Goddard Space Flight Center ; Greenbelt ; MD ; 20771 ; USA
7. Division of Liberal Arts
; Kogakuin University ; 1-24-2 ; Nishi-Shinjuku ; Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 163-8677 ; Japan
8. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
; 2-21-1 Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
10. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
; K枚nigstuhl 17 ; 69117 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
11. Department of Physics
; University of Cincinnati ; Cincinnati ; OH ; 45221-0011 ; USA
9. Steward Observatory
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
12. Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
; Academia Sinica ; P.O. Box 23-141 ; Taipei ; 10617 ; Taiwan
15. Department of Astronomy
; The University of Tokyo ; Hongo 7-3-1 ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-0033 ; Japan
16. Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
; Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis ; CNRS ; Observatoire de la Cote d鈥橝zur ; 28 avenue Valrose ; 06108 ; Nice Cedex 2 ; France
17. Astrophysics Department
; Institute for Advanced Study ; Princeton ; NJ ; USA
18. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; College of Charleston ; 58 Coming St. ; Charleston ; SC ; 29424 ; USA
19. Universit盲ts-Sternwarte M眉nchen
; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit盲t ; Scheinerstr. 1 ; 81679 ; M眉nchen ; Germany
20. Institute for Astronomy
; University of Hawai鈥檌 ; 640 N. A鈥榦hoku Place ; Hilo ; HI ; 96720 ; USA
30. Department of Astronomy
; Stockholm University ; AlbaNova University Center ; Stockholm ; 106 91 ; Sweden
13. Department of Astrophysical Sciences
; Princeton University ; 4 Ivy Ln ; Princeton ; NJ ; 08544 ; USA
21. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
; Tokyo Institute of Technology ; 2-12-1 Ookayama ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-8551 ; Japan
22. Department of Astronomy
; Kyoto University ; Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho ; Sakyo-ku ; Kyoto ; Kyoto ; 606-8502 ; Japan
23. Hiroshima University
; 1-3-2 ; Kagamiyama ; Higashihiroshima ; Hiroshima ; 739-8511 ; Japan
24. Space Telescope Science Institute
; Baltimore ; MD ; 21218 ; USA
25. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
; California Institute of Technology ; Pasadena ; CA ; 171-113 ; USA
26. Department of Astronomical Science
; The Graduate University for Advanced Studies ; 2-21-1 ; Osawa ; Mitaka ; Tokyo ; 181-8588 ; Japan
27. Institute for Astronomy
; ETH Zurich ; Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27 ; 8093 ; Zurich ; Switzerland
28. Department of Cosmosciences
; Hokkaido University ; Kita-ku ; Sapporo ; Hokkaido ; 060-0810 ; Japan
29. Astronomical Institute
; Tohoku University ; Aoba-ku ; Sendai ; Miyagi ; 980-8578 ; Japan
刊名:Astrophysics and Space Science
2. The use of modern imaging technologies in radiation therapy of cervical cancer
作者:Angel I. Blanco (1)
Larissa A. Meyer (2)
Verghese George (3)
Bin S. Teh (4)
Adan Rios (5)
Kara Ferachi (6)
Matthew Rodriguez (6)
Anneliese Gonzalez (7)
John Dalrymple (2)

1. Radiation Therapy Services
; Memorial Hermann Cancer Center ; Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza ; 6400 Fannin ; Ste #220 ; Houston ; TX ; 77030 ; USA
2. Department of Obstetrics
; Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences ; Division of Gynecologic Oncology ; Houston ; TX ; USA
3. Section of Abdominal Imaging
; Department of Radiology ; University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ; Houston ; TX ; USA
4. Department of Radiation Oncology
; The Methodist Hospital ; Cancer Center and Research Institute ; Houston ; TX ; USA
5. Internal Medicine Department
; Division of Oncology ; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ; Houston ; TX ; USA
6. Landauer Medical Physics
; 2 Science Road ; Glenwood ; IL ; 60425 ; USA
7. Internal Medicine Department
; Division of Oncology ; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ; Houston ; TX ; USA
刊名:Journal of Radiation Oncology
6. QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives
作者:N. Brambilla (1)
S. Eidelman (2) (3)
P. Foka (4)
S. Gardner (5)
A. S. Kronfeld (6)
M. G. Alford (7)
R. Alkofer (8)
M. Butenschoen (9)
T. D. Cohen (10)
J. Erdmenger (11)
L. Fabbietti (12)
M. Faber (13)
J. L. Goity (14) (15)
B. Ketzer (1) (53)
H. W. Lin (16)
F. J. Llanes-Estrada (17)
H. B. Meyer (18)
P. Pakhlov (19) (20)
E. Pallante (21)
M. I. Polikarpov (19) (20)
H. Sazdjian (22)
A. Schmitt (23)
W. M. Snow (24)
A. Vairo (1)
R. Vogt (25) (26)
A. Vuorinen (27)
H. Wittig (18)
P. Arnold (28)
P. Christakoglou (29)
P. Di Nezza (30)
Z. Fodor (31) (32) (33)
X. Garcia i Tormo (34)
R. H枚llwieser (13)
M. A. Janik (35)
A. Kalweit (36)
D. Keane (37)
E. Kiritsis (38) (39) (40)
A. Mischke (41)
R. Mizuk (19) (42)
G. Odyniec (43)
K. Papadodimas (21)
A. Pich (44)
R. Pittau (45)
J.-W. Qiu (46) (47)
G. Ricciardi (48) (49)
C. A. Salgado (50)
K. Schwenzer (7)
N. G. Stefanis (51)
G. M. von Hippel (18)
V. I. Zakharov (11) (19) (20) (52)

1. Physik Department
; Technische Universit盲t M眉nchen ; James-Franck-Stra脽e 1 ; 85748聽 ; Garching ; Germany
2. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
; SB RAS ; Novosibirsk聽 ; 630090 ; Russia
3. Novosibirsk State University
; Novosibirsk聽 ; 630090 ; Russia
4. GSI Helmholtzzentrum f眉r Schwerionenforschung GmbH
; Planckstra脽e 1 ; 64291聽 ; Darmstadt ; Germany
5. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; University of Kentucky ; Lexington ; KY聽 ; 40506-0055 ; USA
6. Theoretical Physics Department
; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ; P.O. Box 500 ; Batavia ; IL聽 ; 60510-5011 ; USA
7. Department of Physics
; Washington University ; St Louis ; MO聽 ; 63130 ; USA
8. University of Graz
; 8010聽 ; Graz ; Austria
9. Faculty of Physics
; University of Vienna ; Boltzmanngasse 5 ; 1090聽 ; Wien ; Austria
10. Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics and Department of Physics
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; MD聽 ; 20742-4111 ; USA
11. Max-Planck-Institute for Physics
; F枚hringer Ring 6 ; 80805聽 ; Munich ; Germany
12. Excellence Cluster 鈥淥rigin and Structure of the Universe鈥? Technische Universit盲t M眉nchen
; 85748聽 ; Garching ; Germany
13. Atominstitut
; Technische Universit盲t Wien ; 1040聽 ; Vienna ; Austria
14. Hampton University
; Hampton ; VA聽 ; 23668 ; USA
15. Jefferson Laboratory
; Newport News ; VA聽 ; 23606 ; USA
53. Helmholtz-Institut f眉r Strahlen- und Kernphysik
; Universit盲t Bonn ; 53115聽 ; Bonn ; Germany
16. Department of Physics
; University of Washington ; Seattle ; WA ; 98195-1560 ; USA
17. Department Fisica Teorica I
; Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; 28040聽 ; Madrid ; Spain
18. PRISMA Cluster of Excellence
; Institut f眉r Kernphysik and Helmholtz Institut Mainz ; Johannes Gutenberg-Universit盲t Mainz ; 55099聽 ; Mainz ; Germany
19. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
; Moscow ; 117218 ; Russia
20. Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology
; Dolgoprudny ; 141700 ; Russia
21. Centre for Theoretical Physics
; University of Groningen ; 9747聽AG聽 ; Groningen ; The Netherlands
22. Institut de Physique Nucl茅aire CNRS/IN2P3
; Universit茅 Paris-Sud ; 91405聽 ; Orsay ; France
23. Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik
; Technische Universit盲t Wien ; 1040聽 ; Vienna ; Austria
24. Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter and Department of Physics
; Indiana University ; Bloomington ; IN ; 47408 ; USA
25. Physics Division
; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ; Livermore ; CA ; 94551 ; USA
26. Physics Department
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
27. Department of Physics and Helsinki Institute of Physics
; University of Helsinki ; Helsinki ; P.O. Box 64 ; 00014 ; Finland
28. Department of Physics
; University of Virginia ; 382 McCormick Rd. ; P.O. Box 400714 ; Charlottesville ; VA聽 ; 22904-4714 ; USA
; Science Park 105 ; 1098聽XG聽 ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
30. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
; Via E. Fermi 40 ; 00044聽 ; Frascati ; Italy
31. Wuppertal University
; 42119聽 ; Wuppertal ; Germany
32. E枚tv枚s University
; 1117聽 ; Budapest ; Hungary
33. Forschungszentrum J眉lich
; 52425 ; J眉lich ; Germany
34. Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics
; Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik ; Universit盲t Bern ; Sidlerstra脽e 5 ; 3012聽 ; Bern ; Switzerland
35. Faculty of Physics
; Warsaw University of Technology ; 00-662聽 ; Warsaw ; Poland
36. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
; Geneva ; Switzerland
37. Department of Physics
; Kent State University ; Kent ; OH聽 ; 44242 ; USA
38. Crete Center for Theoretical Physics
; Department of Physics ; University of Crete ; 71003聽 ; Heraklion ; Greece
39. Laboratoire APC
; Universit茅 Paris Diderot ; Paris Cedex 13 ; Sorbonne Paris-Cit茅聽 ; 75205 ; France
40. Theory Group
; Physics Department ; CERN ; 1211 ; Geneva 23 ; Switzerland
41. Faculty of Science
; Utrecht University ; Princetonplein 5 ; 3584聽CC聽 ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
42. Moscow Physical Engineering Institute
; Moscow ; 115409 ; Russia
43. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
; 1 Cyclotron Rd ; Berkeley ; CA ; 94720 ; USA
44. IFIC
; Universitat de Val猫ncia ; CSIC ; Apt. Correus 22085 ; 46071聽 ; Val猫ncia ; Spain
45. Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE
; Campus Fuentenueva s. n. ; Universidad de Granada ; 18071聽 ; Granada ; Spain
46. Physics Department
; Brookhaven National Laboratory ; Upton ; NY ; 11973 ; USA
47. C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy
; Stony Brook University ; Stony Brook ; NY ; 11794 ; USA
48. Dipartimento di Fisica
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ; 80126聽 ; Napoli ; Italy
49. INFN
; Sezione di Napoli ; 80126聽 ; Napoli ; Italy
50. Departamento de Fisica de Particulas y IGFAE
; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ; 15782聽 ; Santiago de Compostela ; Galicia ; Spain
51. Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik II
; Ruhr-Universit盲t Bochum ; 44780聽 ; Bochum ; Germany
52. School of Biomedicine
; Far Eastern Federal University ; Sukhanova str 8 ; Vladivostok ; 690950 ; Russia
刊名:The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
7. Determination of the top quark mass circa 2013: methods, subtleties, perspectives
作者:Aurelio Juste (1) (2)
Sonny Mantry (3) (4)
Alexander Mitov (5)
Alexander Penin (6) (7)
Peter Skands (5)
Erich Varnes (8)
Marcel Vos (9)
Stephen Wimpenny (10)

1. Instituci贸 Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avan莽ats (ICREA)
; 08010 ; Barcelona ; Spain
2. Institut de F铆sica d鈥橝ltes Energies
; Universitat Auton貌ma de Barcelona ; 08193 ; Bellaterra ; Spain
3. High Energy Division
; Argonne National Laboratory ; Argonne ; IL ; 60439 ; USA
4. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; Northwestern University ; Evanston ; IL ; 60208 ; USA
5. Theory Division
; CERN ; 1211 ; Geneva 23 ; Switzerland
6. University of Alberta
; Edmonton ; AB ; T6G 2J1 ; Canada
7. Institut f眉r Theoretische Teilchenphysik
; KIT ; 76128 ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
8. Department of Physics
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
; Ap. Correos 22085 ; 46071 ; Valencia ; Spain
10. Department of Physics and Astronomy
; University of California ; Riverside ; Riverside ; CA ; 92521 ; USA
刊名:The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields
8. Continuous glucose control in the ICU: report of a 2013 round table meeting
作者:Jan Wernerman (1)
Thomas Desaive (2)
Simon Finfer (3)
Luc Foubert (4)
Anthony Furnary (5)
Ulrike Holzinger (6)
Roman Hovorka (7)
Jeffrey Joseph (8)
Mikhail Kosiborod (9)
James Krinsley (10)
Dieter Mesotten (11)
Stanley Nasraway (12)
Olav Rooyackers (13)
Marcus J Schultz (14)
Tom Van Herpe (15) (16)
Robert A Vigersky (17)
Jean-Charles Preiser (18)

1. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
; K32 ; Karolinska University Hospital ; Stockholm ; Huddinge ; 14186 ; Sweden
2. GIGA - Cardiovascular Sciences
; University of Liege ; Institute of Physics ; B5 ; Allee du 6 aout ; 17 ; Liege ; 4000 ; Belgium
3. The George Institute for Global Health and Royal North Shore Hospital
; University of Sydney ; St Leonards ; Sydney ; NSW ; 2065 ; Australia
4. Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
; OLV Clinic ; Aalst ; 9300 ; Belgium
5. Starr-Wood Cardiac Group
; 9155 SW Barnes Road ; Portland ; OR ; 97225-6629 ; USA
6. Department of Medicine III - Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
; Medical University of Vienna ; Waehringer Guertel 18-20 ; Vienna ; 1090 ; Austria
7. Level 4
; Wellcome trust MRC Institute of Metabolic Science ; Addenbrooke鈥檚 Hospital ; University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories ; Box 289 ; Hills Road ; Cambridge ; CB2 0QQ ; UK
8. Jefferson Artificial Pancreas Center and Anesthesiology Program for Translational Research
; Department of Anesthesiology ; Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University ; 1020 Walnut Street ; Philadelphia ; PA ; 19107 ; USA
9. Saint-Luke鈥檚 Mid America Heart Institute
; University of Missouri - Kansas City ; 4401 Wornall Road ; Kansas City ; MO ; 64111 ; USA
10. Division of Critical Care
; Stamford Hospital and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons ; 30 Shelburne Road ; Stamford ; CT ; 06904 ; USA
11. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; University Hospitals Leuven ; Herestraat 49 ; Leuven ; B-3000 ; Belgium
12. Surgical Intensive Care Units
; Tufts Medical Center ; 800 Washington Street ; NEMC 4360 ; Boston ; MA ; 02111 ; USA
13. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Clinic
; Karolinska Institute and University Hospital ; Huddinge ; 14186 ; Sweden
14. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; Academic Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam ; Meibergdreef 9 ; Amsterdam ; 1105 AZ ; The Netherlands
15. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; University Hospitals Leuven ; Herestraat 49 ; Leuven ; B-3000 ; Belgium
16. Department of Electrical Engineering (STADIUS) - iMinds Future Health Department
; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ; Leuven ; Heverlee ; B-3001 ; Belgium
17. Diabetes Institute
; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center ; Bethesda ; MD ; 20895 ; USA
18. Department of Intensive Care
; Erasme Hospital ; Universit茅 libre de Bruxelles ; 808 route de Lennik ; Brussels ; 1070 ; Belgium
刊名:Critical Care
9. Precision studies of fundamental atomic structure with heaviest few-electron ions
作者:1. ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI and Research Division ; GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung ; 64291 Darmstadt ; Germany2. Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS ; 60438 Frankfurt am Main ; Germany3. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung ; 64291 Darmstadt ; Germany4. Physikalisches Institut ; Ruprecht-Karls-Universit?t Heidelberg ; 69120 Heidelberg ; Germany5. Helmholtz-Institut Jena ; 07743 Jena ; Germany6. Institute of Physics ; Jan Kochanowski University ; 25-406 Kielce ; Poland7. Institut für Kernphysik ; Universit?t Frankfurt ; 60438 Frankfurt ; Germany8. Laboratoire Kastler Brossel ; école Normale Supérieure ; CNRS ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie ; Paris 6 Case 74 ; 4 ; place Jussieu ; 75252 Paris CEDEX 05 ; France9. Nuclear Physics Division ; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre ; 400 085 Mumbai ; India10. CNRS and Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 ; INSP ; 75015 Paris ; France11. Institute of Physics ; Jagiellonian University ; Krakow ; Poland12. National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory ; Michigan State University ; East Lansing ; MI ; USA
刊名:Hyperfine Interactions
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