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1. Rationale, design and objectives of ARegPKD, a European ARPKD registry study
作者:Kathrin Ebner (1)
Markus Feldkoetter (2)
Gema Ariceta (3)
Carsten Bergmann (4) (5)
Reinhard Buettner (6)
Anke Doyon (7)
Ali Duzova (8)
Heike Goebel (6)
Dieter Haffner (9)
Barbara Hero (1)
Bernd Hoppe (2)
Thomas Illig (10) (11)
Augustina Jankauskiene (12)
Norman Klopp (10)
Jens K枚nig (13)
Mieczyslaw Litwin (14)
Djalila Mekahli (15)
Bruno Ranchin (16)
Anja Sander (17)
Sara Testa (18)
Lutz Thorsten Weber (1)
Dorota Wicher (14)
Ayse Yuzbasioglu (19)
Klaus Zerres (20)
J枚rg D枚tsch (1)
Franz Schaefer (7)
Max Christoph Liebau (1) (21) (22)
ESCAPE Study Group
GPN Study Group

1. Department of Pediatrics
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Kerpener Str. 62 ; 50937 ; Cologne ; Germany
2. Department of Pediatrics
; University Hospital Bonn ; Adenauerallee 119 ; 53113 ; Bonn ; Germany
3. Department of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Hospital Vall d鈥橦ebron ; Pg/Vall d鈥?Hebron 119-129 ; 08034 ; Barcelona ; Spain
4. Bioscientia Center for Human Genetics
; Konrad-Adenauer-Stra脽e 17 ; 55218 ; Ingelheim ; Germany
5. Renal Division
; Department of Medicine ; University Freiburg Medical Center ; Hugstetter Stra脽e 55 ; 79106 ; Freiburg ; Germany
6. Institute of Pathology
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Kerpener Str. 62 ; 50937 ; Cologne ; Germany
7. Division of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Children鈥檚 Hospital Heidelberg ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 430 ; 69120 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
8. Department of Pediatrics
; Division of Pediatric Nephrology ; Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine ; Sihhiye ; 06100 ; Ankara ; Turkey
9. Department of Pediatric Kidney
; Liver and Metabolic Diseases ; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
10. Hannover Unified Biobank
; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
11. Institute for Human Genetics
; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1 ; 30625 ; Hannover ; Germany
12. Vilnius University Hospital
; Center for Pediatrics ; Santariskiu ; 08406 ; Vilnius ; Lithuania
13. Department of General Pediatrics
; University Hospital M眉nster ; Waldeyerstr. 22 ; 48149 ; Muenster ; Germany
14. The Children鈥檚 Memorial Health Institute
; Al. Dzieci Polskich 20 ; 04-730 ; Warsaw ; Poland
15. Department of Pediatric Nephrology
; University Hospitals Leuven ; Herestrtaat 49 ; 3000 ; Leuven ; Belgium
16. Service de N茅phrologie P茅diatrique
; Hospices Civils de Lyon ; Universit茅 de Lyon ; H么pital Femme M猫re Enfant ; 69677 ; Bron ; France
17. Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics
; University of Heidelberg ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 305 ; 69120 ; Heidelberg ; Germany
18. Pediatric Nephrology Unit
; Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Polic ; Via della Commenda 9 ; 20122 ; Milano ; Italy
19. Department of Medical Biology
; Center for Biobanking and Genomics ; Hacettepe University ; Ankara ; Turkey
20. Institute of Human Genetics
; RWTH University Hospital Aachen ; Pauwelsstrasse 30 ; 52074 ; Aachen ; Germany
21. Center for Molecular Medicine
; University Hospital of Cologne ; Robert-Koch-Str. 21 ; 50931 ; Cologne ; Germany
22. Nephrology Research Laboratory
; Department II of Internal Medicine ; University Hospital of Cologne ; CECAD Building ; Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26 ; 50931 ; Cologne ; Germany
刊名:BMC Nephrology
2. Coordinated international action to accelerate genome-to-phenome with FAANG, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes project
作者:Leif Andersson (1) (2)
Alan L Archibald (3)
Cynthia D Bottema (4)
Rudiger Brauning (5)
Shane C Burgess (6)
Dave W Burt (3)
Eduardo Casas (7)
Hans H Cheng (8)
Laura Clarke (9)
Christine Couldrey (10)
Brian P Dalrymple (11)
Christine G Elsik (12)
Sylvain Foissac (13)
Elisabetta Giuffra (14)
Martien A Groenen (15)
Ben J Hayes (16) (17) (18)
LuSheng S Huang (19)
Hassan Khatib (20)
James W Kijas (11)
Heebal Kim (21)
Joan K Lunney (22)
Fiona M McCarthy (23)
John C McEwan (24)
Stephen Moore (25)
Bindu Nanduri (26)
Cedric Notredame (27)
Yniv Palti (28)
Graham S Plastow (29)
James M Reecy (30)
Gary A Rohrer (31)
Elena Sarropoulou (32)
Carl J Schmidt (33)
Jeffrey Silverstein (34)
Ross L Tellam (35)
Michele Tixier-Boichard (14)
Gwenola Tosser-Klopp (13)
Christopher K Tuggle (30)
Johanna Vilkki (36)
Stephen N White (37) (38)
Shuhong Zhao (39)
Huaijun Zhou (40)
The FAANG Consortium

1. Science for Life Laboratory Uppsala
; Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology ; Uppsala University ; Uppsala ; SE 751 23 ; Sweden
2. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ; Uppsala ; SE-750 07 ; Sweden
3. The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
4. School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
; The University of Adelaide ; Roseworthy ; SA ; 5371 ; Australia
5. Invermay Agricultural Centre
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
6. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85719 ; USA
7. National Animal Disease Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
8. Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; East Lansing ; MI ; 48823 ; USA
9. European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute
; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SD ; UK
10. Livestock Improvement Corporation
; Hamilton ; 3284 ; New Zealand
11. Agriculture Flagship
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Brisbane ; Australia
12. Division of Animal Sciences
; University of Missouri ; Columbia ; MO ; 65211 ; USA
13. UMR1388 G茅n茅tique
; Physiologie et Syst猫mes d鈥橢levage (GenPhySE) ; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-31326 ; Castanet-Tolosan ; France
14. UMR1313 G茅n茅tique Animale et Biologie Int茅grative (GABI)
; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-78352 ; Jouy-en-Josas ; France
15. Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre
; Wageningen University ; 6708聽PB ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
16. Biosciences Research Division
; Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria ; Bundoora ; 3083 ; Australia
17. Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre
; Bundoora ; 3083 ; VIC ; Australia
18. La Trobe University
; Bundoora ; 3086 ; VIC ; Australia
19. Key Laboratory for Animal Biotechnology of Jiangxi Province and the Ministry of Agriculture of China
; Jiangxi Agricultural University ; Jiangxi ; 330029 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
20. Department of Animal Sciences
; University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Madison ; WI ; 53706 ; USA
21. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
; Seoul National University ; Seoul ; Republic of Korea
22. Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
23. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
24. Animal Productivity Group
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
25. Centre for Animal Science
; Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation ; University of Queensland ; St Lucia ; QLD ; 4067 ; Australia
26. Department of Basic Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute for Genomics ; Biocomputing and Biotechnology ; Mississippi State University ; Mississippi ; MS ; 39762 ; USA
27. Comparative Bioinformatics
; Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) ; Dr. Aiguader 88 ; 08003 ; Barcelona ; Spain
28. National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Kearneysville ; WV ; 25430 ; USA
29. Livestock Gentec Centre
; Department of Agricultural ; Food and Nutritional Science ; University of Alberta ; Edmonton ; Alberta ; T6G 2C8 ; Canada
30. Department of Animal Science
; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50011 ; USA
31. US Meat Animal Research Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Clay Center ; NE ; 68933 ; USA
32. Institute of Marine Biology
; Biotechnology and Aquaculture ; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research ; 71003 ; Heraklion ; Greece
33. Department of Animal and Food Sciences
; University of Delaware ; Newark ; DE ; 19716 ; USA
34. Animal Production and Protection
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service Aquaculture ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
35. CSIRO Agriculture
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Australia
36. Green Technology
; Natural Resources Institute Finland ; 31600 ; Jokioinen ; Finland
37. Animal Disease Research Unit
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6630 ; USA
38. Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology
; Washington State University ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-7040 ; USA
39. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics
; Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education of China ; Huazhong Agricultural University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; 430070 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
40. Department of Animal Science
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Genome Biology
3. Differential sensitivity of prostate tumor derived endothelial cells to sorafenib and sunitinib
作者:Alessandra Fiorio Pla (47) (48) (49) (50)
Alessia Brossa (46)
Michela Bernardini (47) (48)
Tullio Genova (47)
Guillaume Grolez (49) (50)
Arnaud Villers (51)
Xavier Leroy (52)
Natalia Prevarskaya (49) (50)
Dimitra Gkika (49) (50)
Benedetta Bussolati (46)

47. Department of Life Science and Systems Biology
; University of Torino ; Torino ; Italy
48. Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces Centre of Excellence (NIS)
; University of Turin ; Torino ; Italy
49. Inserm U1003
; Equipe labellis茅e par la Ligue Nationale contre le cancer ; Universit茅 des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL) ; Villeneuve d鈥橝scq ; France
50. Laboratory of Excellence
; Ion Channels Science and Therapeutics ; Universit茅 de Lille 1 ; Villeneuve d鈥橝scq ; France
46. Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
; Molecular Biotechnology Centre ; University of Torino ; via Nizza 52 ; 10126 ; Torino ; Italy
51. Department of Urology
; CHU Lille ; University Lille Nord de France ; F-59000 ; Lille ; France
52. Institute of Pathology
; Centre de Biologie-Pathologie ; CHRU de Lille ; Facult茅 de M茅decine Henri-Warembourg ; Universit茅 de Lille 2 ; Lille ; France
刊名:BMC Cancer
4. Pegasus: a comprehensive annotation and prediction tool for detection of driver gene fusions in cancer
作者:Francesco Abate (1) (2) (3)
Sakellarios Zairis (2)
Elisa Ficarra (3)
Andrea Acquaviva (3)
Chris H Wiggins (2) (6) (7)
Veronique Frattini (5)
Anna Lasorella (5)
Antonio Iavarone (5)
Giorgio Inghirami (4)
Raul Rabadan (1) (2)

1. Department of Biomedical Informatics
; Columbia University ; 1130 St. Nicholas Ave ; New York ; NY ; 10032 ; USA
2. Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
; Columbia University ; 1130 St. Nicholas Ave ; New York ; NY ; 10032 ; USA
3. Department of Control and Computer Engineering
; Politecnico di Torino ; Torino ; 10129 ; Italy
6. Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
; The Fu Foundation School for Engineering and Applied Sciences ; Columbia University ; 500 W. 120th Street ; Mudd 200 ; MC 4701 ; New York ; New York ; 10027 ; USA
7. Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering
; Columbia University ; 500 W. 120th Street ; Mudd 524 ; New York ; New York ; 10027 ; USA
5. Institute for Cancer Genetics
; Columbia University Medical Center ; New York ; New York ; USA
4. Department of Pathology
; Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies ; Laboratory of Functional Genomics ; University of Torino ; Torino ; Italy
刊名:BMC Systems Biology
5. Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
作者:Kerri L Steenwerth (1)
Amanda K Hodson (2)
Arnold J Bloom (3)
Michael R Carter (4)
Andrea Cattaneo (5)
Colin J Chartres (6)
Jerry L Hatfield (7)
Kevin Henry (8) (9)
Jan W Hopmans (2)
William R Horwath (2)
Bryan M Jenkins (10)
Ermias Kebreab (11)
Rik Leemans (12)
Leslie Lipper (13)
Mark N Lubell (14)
Siwa Msangi (15)
Ravi Prabhu (16)
Matthew P Reynolds (17)
Samuel Sandoval Solis (2)
William M Sischo (18)
Michael Springborn (19)
Pablo Tittonell (20)
Stephen M Wheeler (21)
Sonja J Vermeulen (22)
Eva K Wollenberg (23)
Lovell S Jarvis (24)
Louise E Jackson (2)

1. Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit
; Agricultural Research Service ; United States Department of Agriculture (ARS/USDA) ; c/o Department of Viticulture and Enology ; RMI North ; Rm. 1151 ; 595 Hilgard Lane ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
2. Department of Land
; Air and Water Resources ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
3. Department of Plant Sciences
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
4. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
5. Climate Smart Agriculture Project
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
6. eWater
; University of Canberra Innovation Centre ; Building 22 ; University Drive South ; Bruce ; ACT 2617 ; Australia
7. National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
; ARS/USDA ; Ames ; IA ; USA
8. Where the Rain Falls
; CARE France ; 71 rue Archereau ; Paris ; 75019 ; France
9. School of Global Environmental Sustainability
; Colorado State University ; 108 Johnson Hall ; Fort Collins ; CO ; 80523 ; USA
10. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
11. Department of Animal Science
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
12. Environmental Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 47 ; 6700AA ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
13. Agricultural and Development Economic Analysis Division
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
14. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
15. Environment and Production Technology Division
; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ; 2033 K St. ; NW ; Washington ; DC ; 20006-1002 ; USA
16. World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)
; P.O. Box 30677 ; 00100 ; Nairobi ; Kenya
17. Plant
; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Apdo ; Postal 6-641 ; 06600 ; Mexico ; D.F. ; Mexico
18. Food- and Water-borne Disease Research Program
; College of Veterinary Medicine ; Washington State University ; PO Box 646610 ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6610 ; USA
19. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
20. Plant Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 563 ; 6700AN ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
21. Department of Landscape Architecture
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
22. Climate Change
; Agriculture and Food Security ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) ; Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences ; University of Copenhagen ; Rolighedsvej 21 ; DK-1958 ; Frederiksberg C ; Denmark
23. Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
; University of Vermont ; 617 Main Street ; Burlington ; Vermont ; 05405 ; USA
24. Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Agriculture & Food Security
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